Sunday, October 21, 2012

Massage Therapy insurance could be vital to your practice ...

For professional massage therapists and bodyworkers, massage therapy insurance can be just as important to your practice as the table you choose for your session room or the modality you provide for clients. The reason massage therapy insurance ranks right up there with such integral parts of your practice is because without it, you could lose the entire business you have built.

It is true that you will not use your massage therapy insurance in your practice nearly as much as you use your hands to apply your preferred techniques or as much as you use your massage table to conduct each session. However, when and if you ever do need to use massage therapy insurance, it can protect you and your practice from financial ruin.

In a sense, massage therapy insurance could be thought of as the equivalent of car insurance for severe accidents. While you may not be leaning on your car insurance all that often, you would be mighty glad to have it in case you were involved in a severe accident of some kind. In such a scenario, that insurance policy could be the only thing that prevents you from going bankrupt due to medical bills, rental car fees and body shop payments.

When dealing with massage therapist insurance, the coverage works much the same way. While you most likely will not be using your massage therapy insurance policy all that often, you would be extremely grateful to have it if a client ever decided to sue you for damages over an injury that the client somehow pins on you. In a situation like this, your massage therapy liability insurance will protect you and your practice from the financial drain of legal fees, possible medical bills and so on.

The sticking point here for most professional massage therapists and bodyworkers is the fact that it can be difficult to imagine a client ever suffering an injury that would be at all connected with you and your practice. However, what you must remember is this: accidents happen.

You never know when a client may trip over a rug in your hallway, break his wrist and decide to sue you for the damages. You never know when a client may convince herself that it was your deep tissue techniques, not last month?s fender bender, that have caused her neck pain.

These are just two simple examples of the types of accidents or unexpected scenarios that can unfold within and around a massage therapy or bodywork practice. Such situations may seem far less likely to happen than a car crash, but that unpredictable risk factor is still there.

That?s why professional massage therapists and bodyworkers would be wise to secure high quality massage therapy liability insurance for their practices. The fee for massage therapy insurance is usually less than a couple hundred dollars per year, while the peace of mind provided by such a policy is priceless.


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