Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Battlefield 3 Beta: Console vs PC | The Gamers Blog

October 4, 2011

With the recent release of Bat?tle?field 3 Beta I?ve noticed there has been a sig?nif?i?cant amount of com?mo?tion amongst the com?mu?nity, espe?cially the con?sole play?ers about why the graph?ics don?t look as good as they did in the video.? I?ve also heard numer?ous com?plaints about the PC ver?sion hav?ing mul?ti?ple maps for the beta and being able to host more players.?

Let me start off by say?ing that Bat?tle?field 3 was devel?oped with PC gamers in mind.? The game was devel?oped for the PC first and con?soles sec?ond and it shows within the game. ?It?s designed to push the lim?its of graph?ics tech?nol?ogy and even my video card is start?ing to show signs of stress with every?thing maxed to the top.? I sus?pect the retail release will be even more pun?ish?ing then the beta.? ?I took the time yes?ter?day to play with my Xbox brethren on XBL and the dif?fer?ences between the PC ver?sion and the con?soles ver?sions are immense.? The obvi?ous dif?fer?ences are the max play?ers.? The max play?ers on con?sole are 24 vs 32(in the beta)? ? 64(final release).? The sec?ond major dif?fer?ence is how much cleaner the game looks on PC as a whole vs the con?sole ver?sion.? If I could find a good com?par?i?son it would be like look?ing at a used VHS copy of the orig?i?nal Star Wars and then watch?ing it on blu-ray.? It?s really that much clearer, crisper and cleaner.? The tree?s look much more focused and alive, weapons fire looks meaner, tex?tures look five times bet?ter on the PC vs the con?sole, sol?diers look more real?is?tic,? and the weapons look bet?ter.? The lack of AA/AF, HBAO and other graph?i?cal enhance?ments on con?soles are what kills it graphically.

I?m sure there are many gamers that are out?raged that the con?sole ver?sion of the game doesn?t match the pic?tures.? There are some after read?ing the first part of this who are even more upset that the PC ver?sion looks so much bet?ter than there ver?sion.? This is the first game, in a long time, that has really show the now very wide gap between cur?rent PC hard?ware and Con?sole hard?ware.? ID devel?oper John Car?mack said at Game?con this year that ?the PC plat?form is as much as 10 times faster than the cur?rent gen?er?a?tion of con?soles?.? Graph?ics tech?nol?ogy has come leaps and bounds since the release of Xbox and PS3 next gen con?soles.? The graph?ics tech?nol?ogy was almost 2?years old at the time of the release of the Xbox 360 and that was 7?years ago.? Granted PC?s also have to deal with other processes while the con?sole sys?tems ONLY have to worry about play?ing the games so they make up some of the dif?fer?ence there but not near enough to compete.?

Does this mean the con?sole ver?sion is going to look ter?ri?ble when it?s release on Octo?ber 25?? Take a deep breath? ok bet?ter now?? Let?s remem?ber that this is a Beta and even the almighty PC ver?sion has a mag?nif?i?cent amount of graph?i?cal glitches to deal with along with other issues such as clip?ping, zoom not work?ing, falling through the map, fly?ing across the map, get?ting stuck in walls, and many other issues.? The con?sole ver?sion will look good but not as good as the PC ver?sion will, it?s that sim?ple.? Con?sole hard?ware just can?t han?dle the demand that the game would put on it not to men?tion that con?soles can?not dis?play DX10 or?DX11.?

The con?sole ver?sion does play well, very well actu?ally on the con?sole (I played it on the Xbox 360).? I think it?s the best play?ing of the bat?tle?field series and I have played them all.? DICE is play?ing a tricky game here.? They are try?ing to cater to their orig?i?nal audi?ence (pc gamers) while try?ing to keep their con?sole fan base happy as well and try?ing to make EA money at the same?time.?

I ask peo?ple to remain calm when play?ing the beta and real?ize that it?s just a beta.? The final prod?uct WILL look bet?ter, on both sys?tems at that.? The ver?sion of the game we are play?ing now was already sev?eral months old.? Keep that in mind when play?ing.? The final ver?sion of Bat?tle?field 3 will be released on Octo?ber 25 for PC, Xbox and?PS3.



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