Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Relationships: the most common ... - Saving Your Marriage

A foundation stone of all good relationships is the way in which people express themselves and the listening experience they give to each other.

We live in a world that?s really sophisticated, quick moving, challenging and demanding. It is living within this world that a marriage and committed relationship becomes a most important source for people to seek deep meaning and happiness.

The most common problem couples in trouble identify is communication breakdown. Couples often invest great energy into repeating destructive ways of relating. It is the main reason why so many relationships risk failure.

The secret to good communication is to have a look at yourself first. Confronting our own issues is a difficult and challenging task and not one that is easily embarked on. Problems within a relationship sometimes begin when people resist stepping back and taking a long look at themselves and the part they play.

A major mistake made by the individual listening is to assume that their role is one of being passive. What leads to a good interaction is for the listener to be active in the listening process. It?s the listeners role to try the speaker feels that what they are saying is indeed being listened to and understood.

The frequent mistake that people make when talking with their partner is to expect the words that flow from their mouths to actually do the work for them. Words alone nevertheless are insufficient.

Consider a marketing campaign for the sale of a product like cereal. If the product you purchase were wrapped in packaging that is colourless and without any suggestion of health and flavour, you most probably would not purchase that product. The words you speak are similar; you have to package and present your words and ideas in a way that captures the notice of the person you are speaking to.

It is vital that couples allow for the time to talk and listen with one another about the problems they each face in life. In the situation where neither individual is talking, there is no way of dealing with the issues or stopping the situation from worsening.

Should one individual refuse to chat about matters or worry for the other, the danger is that either or both people eventually reach the point where the relationship won?t be adequately gratifying and nourishing for them. A couple will always need the fundamental relationship skill of communication.

Chris Dawson is a highly qualified marriage counselling expert, helping couples resolve relationship issues. His in depth expertise, of over 25 years experience, is highly sort after across the world in his position as Clinical Director for Humaneed, a leading Marriage and Relationship Counselling Service based in Australia.


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Vikings owners have ?growing concern? about ... - Fantasy Sports

As the Vikings enter the final year of their Metrodome lease and the process for building a new stadium in Minnesota continues to sputter, the team is getting more concerned. Specifically, the folks who own the team are getting more concerned. ?There is growing concern within our ownership,? Vikings V.P. of public affairs and stadium?

Click to continue reading this fantasy sports article at ProFootballTalk.



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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

From mild-mannered to killer plague

From mild-mannered to killer plague [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Aug-2011
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Contact: Marla Paul
Northwestern University

Study explains plague's rapid evolution and sheds light on fighting deadly diseases

CHICAGO In the evolutionary blink of an eye, a bacterium that causes mild stomach irritation evolved into a deadly assassin responsible for the most devastating pandemics in human history. How did the mild-mannered Yersinia pseudotuberculosis become Yersinia pestis, more commonly known as the Plague?

Now, scientists from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, with the use of new DNA sequencing techniques, offer long sought after evidence of how these two pathogens with virtually identical genetic matter could produce two such vastly different diseases. The Feinberg School team used the new DNA sequencing techniques to identify an unexpected source for these differences, which may help explain the Plague's rapid evolution.

The findings, to be published Aug. 29 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, offer a glimpse into how the new technology might aid in the development of therapeutics to fight deadly diseases, including the Plague.

"Most people think of the Plague as a historic disease, but it's still a public health issue today, both in the human population and in animals," said Wyndham Lathem, lead author of the study and assistant professor of microbiology-immunology at Northwestern's Feinberg School. "It's extremely dangerous and highly virulent. Without treatment, it can take as little as three to five days from infection to death."

Globally, the World Health Organization reports 1,000 to 3,000 cases of Plague every year, and Y. pestis exists on every continent except Antarctica. The United States Department of Homeland Security classifies Y. pestis as a Category A biological agent, a group that also includes anthrax, smallpox and Ebola.

The Plague's ancestor, Y. pseudotuberculosis, still exists and infects humans, but it causes a mild gastrointestinal disease and most people don't show symptoms.

Lathem and colleagues have discovered the differences in disease severity between these two subspecies may have arisen from changes in small, non-coding RNAs (sRNAs), complex molecules involved in controlling many cellular processes.

The Northwestern team is the first to show that sRNAs in Yersinia affect virulence, a finding that suggests the evolution of pathogens may also occur at the level of changes in RNA and in the way protein-coding genes are regulated.

Lathem used advanced DNA sequencing technology called high-throughput sequencing to identify the complete set of sRNAs produced by Y. pseudotuberculosis. The technology enabled his team to study the diseases for the first time at a deeper genetic level.

"This technique enables us to really pick apart how pathogens evolve and how different species of bacteria are able to cause different types of disease," Lathem said. "It goes beyond looking at what proteins are produced by the bacteria. It's an additional layer of evolutionary analysis."

This detective work is important because if researchers can identify unique characteristics among deadly species such as Y. pestis, they may be able to generate new therapeutics or adapt current ones.

Unlike traditional "messenger" RNA, which is copied from DNA to create proteins and is well understood by scientists, these non-coding sRNA molecules are never translated into proteins. Hundreds of noncoding RNA molecules exist inside bacterial cells, but, until recently, scientists had not determined the function of many.

"Once we identified the complete set of sRNAs for Y. pseudotuberculosis, further analysis unlocked a number of surprising discoveries about their function," Lathem said.

Among these surprising discoveries, Lathem's team identified 150 sRNAs, a majority of which are specific to the Yersinia species, and six sRNAs unique to Y. pseudotuberculosis. Those six sRNAs are missing in Y. pestis, likely lost during its rapid evolution (somewhere between 1,500 and 20,000 years ago), and thereby potentially responsible for the Plague's virulence. Lathem's team developed this explanation because they could specify exactly which genes the sRNAs control.

First author Jovanka Koo, a postdoctoral fellow in Lathem's lab at Feinberg, noted, "An important lesson is that small changes can have big effects on sRNA functions. They can affect when an RNA is expressed or produced, the way that RNA folds, and the ability of that RNA to affect the regulated protein coding RNA." Over time, those small changes can become the difference between mild and deadly diseases.


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From mild-mannered to killer plague [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Aug-2011
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Contact: Marla Paul
Northwestern University

Study explains plague's rapid evolution and sheds light on fighting deadly diseases

CHICAGO In the evolutionary blink of an eye, a bacterium that causes mild stomach irritation evolved into a deadly assassin responsible for the most devastating pandemics in human history. How did the mild-mannered Yersinia pseudotuberculosis become Yersinia pestis, more commonly known as the Plague?

Now, scientists from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, with the use of new DNA sequencing techniques, offer long sought after evidence of how these two pathogens with virtually identical genetic matter could produce two such vastly different diseases. The Feinberg School team used the new DNA sequencing techniques to identify an unexpected source for these differences, which may help explain the Plague's rapid evolution.

The findings, to be published Aug. 29 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, offer a glimpse into how the new technology might aid in the development of therapeutics to fight deadly diseases, including the Plague.

"Most people think of the Plague as a historic disease, but it's still a public health issue today, both in the human population and in animals," said Wyndham Lathem, lead author of the study and assistant professor of microbiology-immunology at Northwestern's Feinberg School. "It's extremely dangerous and highly virulent. Without treatment, it can take as little as three to five days from infection to death."

Globally, the World Health Organization reports 1,000 to 3,000 cases of Plague every year, and Y. pestis exists on every continent except Antarctica. The United States Department of Homeland Security classifies Y. pestis as a Category A biological agent, a group that also includes anthrax, smallpox and Ebola.

The Plague's ancestor, Y. pseudotuberculosis, still exists and infects humans, but it causes a mild gastrointestinal disease and most people don't show symptoms.

Lathem and colleagues have discovered the differences in disease severity between these two subspecies may have arisen from changes in small, non-coding RNAs (sRNAs), complex molecules involved in controlling many cellular processes.

The Northwestern team is the first to show that sRNAs in Yersinia affect virulence, a finding that suggests the evolution of pathogens may also occur at the level of changes in RNA and in the way protein-coding genes are regulated.

Lathem used advanced DNA sequencing technology called high-throughput sequencing to identify the complete set of sRNAs produced by Y. pseudotuberculosis. The technology enabled his team to study the diseases for the first time at a deeper genetic level.

"This technique enables us to really pick apart how pathogens evolve and how different species of bacteria are able to cause different types of disease," Lathem said. "It goes beyond looking at what proteins are produced by the bacteria. It's an additional layer of evolutionary analysis."

This detective work is important because if researchers can identify unique characteristics among deadly species such as Y. pestis, they may be able to generate new therapeutics or adapt current ones.

Unlike traditional "messenger" RNA, which is copied from DNA to create proteins and is well understood by scientists, these non-coding sRNA molecules are never translated into proteins. Hundreds of noncoding RNA molecules exist inside bacterial cells, but, until recently, scientists had not determined the function of many.

"Once we identified the complete set of sRNAs for Y. pseudotuberculosis, further analysis unlocked a number of surprising discoveries about their function," Lathem said.

Among these surprising discoveries, Lathem's team identified 150 sRNAs, a majority of which are specific to the Yersinia species, and six sRNAs unique to Y. pseudotuberculosis. Those six sRNAs are missing in Y. pestis, likely lost during its rapid evolution (somewhere between 1,500 and 20,000 years ago), and thereby potentially responsible for the Plague's virulence. Lathem's team developed this explanation because they could specify exactly which genes the sRNAs control.

First author Jovanka Koo, a postdoctoral fellow in Lathem's lab at Feinberg, noted, "An important lesson is that small changes can have big effects on sRNA functions. They can affect when an RNA is expressed or produced, the way that RNA folds, and the ability of that RNA to affect the regulated protein coding RNA." Over time, those small changes can become the difference between mild and deadly diseases.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Free Advertising For Article Writing | WebNocular Blogs

The people who their own businesses on the Internet know that the goal of that business is to obtain as much traffic as possible to their business? website. There are numerous ways to drive qualified traffic to a business?s website. Some take time and many cost money. Sometimes they cost both and don?t produce results. Here is how article writing can produce free advertising.

Numerous people regularly write articles and publish then in an electronic newsletter (Ezine). Some of these people publish their articles to get free advertising. These people use the Ezine as a way to get their business? website in front of the subscribers to the Ezine in an effort to generate additional traffic by potential customers.

However, in order to do this, the business owner needs great content. If the business owner has spent much time on the Internet, they have probably have signed up for many free Ezines. There are different qualities of Ezines on the Internet. Some are very poor and have very poor content. Some have average quality content, and some have some really great content. The Ezines that are read the most and are therefore the most popular are the ones with the best quality content. These are the Ezines where the business owner should publish their articles.

The business owner?s website can include links to the business affiliate programs. However, instead of publishing articles in the Ezine that publishes poor quality content, the business owner should spend the same time writing one good article on a topic that is relevant to your targeted audience and invite the Ezine publishers to publish the complementary topics in that article and in the resource box the business owner can provide some information about the business owner and the business owner?s website with a link to that website.

It?s important to note that the business owner?s advertisement isn?t contained in the article itself but rather in the resource box. The article contains the content of the article. The article shouldn?t mention the goods or services offered by the business, the business? website, or anything about the business. The article should be informative to the reader. The business owner shouldn?t insult the intelligence of the readers by trying to make an advertisement into an article. The reader will understand what the business owner is doing immediately. No reputable Ezine publisher will publish these kinds of articles and may blacklist the business owner from publishing anymore articles.

The entire purpose of article writing is to make it so worthy that numerous publishers will want to publish it to as many of their subscribers as possible. Having a good article published in an Ezine that has numbers subscribers will increase a business? traffic substantially which will increase sales, and ultimately increase revenue and profits.

All it takes is some of the business owner?s time and some effort. The business owner should choose a subject that he/she is an expert in and write about that. They should try to write at least one article each week about a topic that is relevant to their business and then have the article published and that will significantly increase their traffic flow of potential customers.

There are numerous publishers who are looking for articles to supplement their own or who don?t believe that they have the ability or time to write their own articles. These publishers always need high quality content for articles to offer their readers. All the business owner has to do is find them.

Alex Wu operates a free advertising website that lets people advertise, build groups, and connect. He hopes to create an active environment for businesses to place their web advertising.


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Monday, August 29, 2011

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Paycheck Calculator: Supremacy Secrets | Finance Help News

Paycheck Calculator: Supremacy Secrets

Preparing paychecks for employees can be a rather tricky task because there are so many things to be taken into account. Most companies depend on spreadsheets to perform this important task. The task can be lengthy and tedious depending on the number of employees a company has. However, technology is now revolutionizing the way paychecks are prepared. Today, there is a tool known as the paycheck calculator. This tool is gaining a lot of popularity because it enables paychecks to be processed quickly and accurately.

This tool usually calculates the take-home pay or net pay of each employee. These are the wages after taxes and withholding?s have been deducted. This can be done easily with the click of a button. It is ideal for all sorts of businesses whether large or small. It can also help a company to calculate the take-home pay for each of employees, as well as for making adjustments of 401k contributions, and analyzing the impact of hypothetical raises and changes in premium deductions for health and dental insurance.

An employee can also use such a tool to calculate his net pay for a certain period. This is important as it can help him manage his paychecks better. He has the option of calculating based on salary or hourly rate. This self-service tool can calculate everything including taxes, Medicare, social security and benefits.

Using this tool is not difficult and no training is required. The paychecks can be generated in a matter of minutes. The first step is to sign up for this service online. After signing up, you log in and enter basic information about your company including company tax identification numbers. You then add details of each employee, enter hours or period worked by each employee, and click ?create paychecks?.

Some calculators can offer you various options to simplify your work even further. Some options include paying employees by direct deposit. Such companies do not usually charge an extra fee for this service. They also automatically withhold any compulsory taxes on your behalf.

They can also perform federal and state electronic tax payments and filing. You can also be offered the option to print paychecks from your own printers. Others even allow you to choose between pre-printed or blank checks. These calculators are becoming popular due to a number of reasons. First, they help to ensure accuracy and consistency of data as they can calculate hourly, weekly, or monthly pay very efficiently. The paychecks can be done any time as no desktop software is required. On top of this, they guarantee accurate calculation of salary plus all local, federal, and state taxes because they use the latest tax rates.

Any individual or company that would like to generate paychecks efficiently may find this tool ideal. Some providers offer this tool free online while others charge a competitive fee as a guarantee of quality. After acquiring it, all you need to do is to key in the numbers and leave the rest to the paycheck calculator.

Looking to find the best deal on Pay Check Calculator, then visit to find the best advice.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Definitive Dumbbell Back Exercise That ... - Health & Fitness

You know it is important to train your back if you would like to attain a healthy, balanced, and muscle-bound build. And you most likely also know that having a robust back permits you to burn more fat and bench press more.

Now, how can you build a stronger back if you only train at home and don't have any complicated exercise gear? The answer is actually awfully simple: Do some dumbbell back exercises. Regardless of if all of the kit you have is a bench and a great pair of dumbbells, you can effectively build amazingly large and robust back muscles.

One of the best dumbbell exercises for inclusion in any workout system is the Dumbbell Pullover.

The nicest thing is that not only does this exercise work your back, and also works your lats, chest, and abs. This exercise has been popular since the days when Arnold Schwarzenegger was a bodybuilding champ and it is still as effective today as it was in those days. If you're a noob nevertheless , you have to be terribly cautious with your weights because this exercise can simply hurt you if it is not done right.

This exercising is done lying on your back on a flat exercise bench. Grasp one dumbbell in both hands and hold it over your chest, your arms held straight with the smallest bend in your elbows. Keeping your arms straight without locking, lower the dumbbells slowly until they're held towards the back of your head. Hold the position for one second and then pull the weights slowly back to beginning position.

You may also do this exercise lying across the bench in order to feel more stretch in your lats at the top of the movement. If you opt to do the exercise this way nevertheless , you have to be rather more careful since your back does not have adequate support. Keep your abs braced and your glutes contracted so as to properly stabilize your body.

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Shed Weight Easily Via Exercise ? Health & Fitness

Weight matter continues to be a significant concern in the medical field and many other elements of life these days. I don`t pretend to be in a position to wave a magic wand but when you adhere to this common sense, simple method, you may slim down, and you will shed it easily and quickly.

Very well, as a fitness consultant for more than a decade, to me the healthiest technique to shed weight is neither getting on fad diet programs nor sudden bursts of exercise. Permit the first two meals of the day to consist of healthful fruits and vegetables. (As an illustration, possess a delicious fruit salad for breakfast and a nice veggie salad for lunch.) Allow your dinner to consist of a balanced meal, and lay off on the second helpings.

The straightforward truth is the fact that to slim down, you might want to burn more calories than you consume. Simple frequent sense, is not it? If that may be the situation, then why are a great number of people struggling so hard just to lose a few pounds? This really is for the reason that to simply shed one pound of fat, you?ve got to burn a complete of about three,500 calories and that is definitely a huge amount of calories.

Additionally, when you are hungry, your body will go into a famine mode and store the body fat and burn your muscles for energy as a substitute. So creating muscles burn excess fat. Weight gaining without education will make you ? well, you recognize ? fat. So whichever you want to achieve, you are going to need a appropriate workout plan. You don?t need to complete intense workouts for hours or exercise with expensive tools and facilities.

In other words, the cups of coffee or tea you drink in the morning or in your workplace is made up of sugar that provides you much of your empty calories that you simply are unaware of.

To lose 20 pounds easily you can use to shape your stomach musclesYou can view the fitness tips given by dieticians, to know about the comments given by physicians you can view


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Missed a compelling piece of iPhone news, a great review, or a killer how-to? We're not collecting absolutely everything in iPhone here -- you can hit up for that! -- but we're carefully picking what we think is the best of the last 7 days and presenting it here for your review. And hey! -- these double as show notes for our iPhone Live! podcast tonight at 9pm Eastern. So join us at and follow along!


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Sony Ericsson updates Xperia line with the latest Gingerbread goods

Android update junkies are in for a treat from Sony Ericsson. The handset maker's serving up the freshest batch of Gingerbread to its Xperia line of smartphones starting this October. Bundled in to this 2.3.4 rollout are a bunch of OEM enhancements, bringing along deeper Facebook integration that'll let you like and share your app discoveries with friends, and "3D sweep panorama technology," so you can snap those self-portraits for 3DTV viewing. SE's also thrown in a native screen capture function and, of course, there's Google Talk with Video Chat. The Neo V will be the first phone out of the launch gate with these baked-in tweaks, but if you've got a beefier Xperia device, it's probably better just to wait.

Continue reading Sony Ericsson updates Xperia line with the latest Gingerbread goods

Sony Ericsson updates Xperia line with the latest Gingerbread goods originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 15:08:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Rebels lay siege to Gadhafi forces in Tripoli

Libyan rebels gesture in Abu Salim district in Tripoli, Libya, Thursday, Aug. 25, 2011. An intense battle has erupted between about 1,000 rebels surrounding two buildings filled with Moammar Gadhafi loyalists in the neighborhood next to the Libyan leader's captured compound. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)

Libyan rebels gesture in Abu Salim district in Tripoli, Libya, Thursday, Aug. 25, 2011. An intense battle has erupted between about 1,000 rebels surrounding two buildings filled with Moammar Gadhafi loyalists in the neighborhood next to the Libyan leader's captured compound. (AP Photo/Francois Mori)

Rebel fighters and a television cameraman take shelter as an intense gun battle erupted outside the Corinthia hotel, where many foreign journalists are staying, in Tripoli, Libya, Thursday, Aug. 25, 2011. (AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev)

A Libyan rebel fighter smashes a portrait of Moammar Gadhafi , in Tripoli, Libya, Thursday, Aug. 25, 2011. Gadhafi is safely in hiding and leading the battle against the Libyan rebels, his spokesman said Thursday, as fierce gunfights broke out in Tripoli while the opposition tried to assert control over the oil-rich country (AP Photo/Francois Mori)

Rebel fighters take shelter as an intense gunbattle erupted outside the Corinthia hotel, where many foreign journalists are staying, in Tripoli, LIbya, Thursday, Aug. 25, 2011. Libya's rebel leadership has offered a 2 million dollar bounty on Gadhafi's head, but the autocrat has refused to surrender as his 42-year regime crumbles, fleeing to an unknown destination. Speaking to a local television channel Wednesday, apparently by phone, Gadhafi vowed from hiding to fight on "until victory or martyrdom." (AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev)

Rebel fighters stand outside the Corinthia Hotel in Tripoli, Libya, where many foreign journalists are staying, Thursday Aug. 25, 2011. Libya's rebel leadership has offered a 2 million dollar bounty on Gadhafi's head, but the autocrat has refused to surrender as his 42-year regime crumbles, fleeing to an unknown destination. Speaking to a local television channel Wednesday, apparently by phone, Gadhafi vowed from hiding to fight on "until victory or martyrdom." (AP Photo/Sergey Ponomarev)

(AP) ? The streets where rebel fighters bombarded snipers loyal to Moammar Gadhafi were strewn with bullet-ridden corpses from both sides Thursday. Streams of blood ran down the gutters and turned sewers red.

By sundown the rebels appeared to have won the battle for the Abu Salim neighborhood, next to Gadhafi's captured Tripoli compound, but the fallen dictator continued to elude them. Speaking from an unknown location, he exhorted his supporters to fight on.

"Don't leave Tripoli for the rats. Fight them, and kill them," Gadhafi said in a new audio message broadcast on Al-Ouroba TV, a Syria-based satellite station.

Outside his Bab al-Aziziya compound, which rebels captured Tuesday, there was another grim scene ? one that suggested mass, execution-style killings of civilians.

About two dozen bodies ? some with their hands bound by plastic ties and with bullet wounds to the head ? lay scattered on grassy lots in an area where Gadhafi sympathizers had camped out for months.

The identities of the dead were unclear, but they were in all likelihood activists who had set up an impromptu tent city in solidarity with Gadhafi in defiance of the NATO bombing campaign.

Five or six bodies were in a tent erected on a roundabout that had served as a field clinic. One of the dead still had an IV in his arm, and another body was completely charred, its legs missing. The body of a doctor, in his green hospital gown, was found dumped in the canal.

It was unclear who was responsible for the killings.

Rebels have seized most of Tripoli since sweeping into the capital on Sunday, and on Thursday they announced that their leadership was moving into the capital. The rebel National Transitional Council has been based in the eastern city of Benghazi, which fell to rebel forces early in the conflict.

"In the name of the martyrs ... I proclaim the beginning ... of the work of the executive office in a free Tripoli as of this moment," Ali Tarhouni, the council's finance minister, told reporters in Tripoli.

The rebels know they cannot declare a full victory in the 6-month-old civil war as long as Gadhafi has not been captured or killed. There was no sign of the leader or his sons, despite rumors that swirled around the battlefield that they may be hiding inside some of the besieged buildings in Abu Salim.

The neighborhood, where battles have raged for days, is thought to be the last major stronghold of regime brigades in Tripoli, though there has also been ongoing fighting around the airport. Many of the pro-Gadhafi forces in Abu Salim are believed to have fled his Bab al-Aziziya compound after rebels captured it Tuesday, and the neighborhood is among the few places in Tripoli where pro-Gadhafi graffiti has not been painted over.

Rebel fighters moved methodically through the neighborhood ? some on foot, wearing shorts and carrying machine guns, and others in long lines of pickup trucks with weapons mounted on the back. They fired anti-aircraft guns and rockets, trying to clear buildings of Gadhafi defenders.

Some of the bodies in the streets were on fire. The rebels covered their own with blankets and left the bullet-riddled bodies of their foes exposed.

The air was clogged with deafening explosions from mortars, the whistle of sniper fire and smoke from burning buildings and ammunition.

Civilians were in some of the buildings and caught up in the crossfire.

A mother ran out of one the buildings under siege, screaming: "My son needs first aid." Behind her, the building's glass windows were shattered and black smoked poured out of a burning apartment.

Amid the din, the call to prayer wafted out from neighborhood mosques.

The rebels, many from the western, rebel-held city of Misrata, were spurred on by rumors that one of Gadhafi's sons might be hiding in the buildings.

"Today is a crucial moment. This huge resistance suggests there is a big person there," said Youssef Aradat, a rebel fighter with a beard and aviator sunglasses. "It is a matter of hours. Now we can kill him. We will go room by room, flat by flat, street by street."

Gadhafi has repeatedly vowed to fight until "victory or martyrdom."

"Take over the rooftops, the mosques, the side streets; there will be no safe place for the enemies," he said in the audio message. He warned that the rebels will try to go into his supporters' homes and rape women. "They will enter your houses and deprive you of your honor."

In Washington, the Pentagon pushed back on assertions that either NATO or the U.S. military is actively engaged in a manhunt for Gadhafi, underscoring ongoing sensitivities over the strict parameters of the U.N. mission there.

Marine Col. David Lapan said the U.S. is conducting aerial surveillance of Libya in support of NATO's military mission to protect civilians from attack by government forces. But he said this does not amount to targeting Gadhafi, and that it is not NATO's mission to target or hunt down individuals.

That statement conflicted with comments by British Defense Secretary Liam Fox, who said Thursday that NATO intelligence and reconnaissance assets are being used to try to hunt down Gadhafi.

Gadhafi's spokesman Moussa Ibrahim, in a call to AP's Cairo office, said Gadhafi was still in Libya and his morale was high. Ibrahim refused to say where Gadhafi was hiding, but said he "is indeed leading the battle for our freedom and independence."

Ibrahim, whose voice was clearly recognizable, said he was also in hiding in Libya and constantly on the move.

"All of the leader's family are fine," Ibrahim said, adding that top military and political aides remained with Gadhafi.

Ibrahim claimed Gadhafi's forces controlled a "good portion" of the capital ? a claim that contradicts what reporters can see ? and other cities and towns.

In Abu Salim, the hours-long barrage ended at sunset. Rebel fighters went door to door through largely deserted apartment buildings, occasionally dragging out suspected regime loyalists.

Some were dark-skinned men wearing cut-off camouflage and T-shirts. Their hands were tied behind their backs before they were driven away. The rebels have long claimed Gadhafi had been hiring mercenaries from sub-Saharan Africa to bolster his army.

Some rebels looted the buildings, taking computers from a devastated fire station and printers from a nearby market area.

Rebels say one of their key targets now is Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte, about 250 miles (400 kilometers) from Tripoli, but capturing that city would not be easy because Gadhafi's fellow tribesmen were expected to put up a fierce fight.

Opposition leaders have said they were trying to negotiate a peaceful surrender of the city. The rebels said the supply lines to Sirte would be too long and they are short of funds and supplies.

The rebels have appealed to foreign governments for help freeing up funds Gadhafi's regime has amassed around the world. The U.S. and South Africa reached a deal Thursday that will release $1.5 billion in frozen Libyan assets in American banks, and Italy was preparing to release $505 million in frozen assets in Italian banks in what Premier Silvio Berlusconi called a first payment.

Four Italian journalists taken at gunpoint in Tripoli were freed Thursday in a raid on the house where they were being held, an official said.

Beyond the capital, rebels have seized several parts of Sebha, a Gadhafi stronghold deep in the south, according to rebel official Adel al-Zintani, who is in daily telephone contact with rebel commanders in the desert city.

Fawzi Abu Ketf, the council's deputy defense minister, said fighting was raging outside Bin Jawad, 400 miles (650 kilometers) east of Tripoli, but he had no details.

Gadhafi loyalists ambushed rebels advancing toward Bin Jawad on Wednesday, killing at least 20 of them. The ambush showed that pro-regime forces retain the ability to strike back even as the rebels tighten their control over the nation's capital.

Mustafa Abdel-Jalil, head of the National Transitional Council, called on people living in loyalist-held towns to join the fight against Gadhafi's soldiers.

"I am appealing to the areas not yet liberated to join the revolution," he told reporters in Benghazi. "There is no excuse for them not to join."


Associated Press writer Rami al-Shaheibi in Benghazi and Donna Bryson in Cairo contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Losing pounds isn?t actually that easy. There's no magical tablet that you might become slim shortly after taking it. No fascinated potion to make your body become fit after you have drank it. Shedding pounds means you need to invest more time, efforts and dedication.

Each tough work pays off, the more you do your best implementing varied approaches in losing weight, and the more successful you are to lose those unwelcome fats of yours.

Talking about the different approaches for shedding pounds, one of the best approach would be juice fasting. Yes , that has been proved to be terribly efficacious in reducing weight.

It has numerous benefits that you are going to certainly need, except for quickly burning all those fats; you will be able to get plenty of nutrient elements and minerals whichever you need. It varies on what fruit or plant you will be using for your juice.

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A lot of folks don?t seem to understand that a minor metabolic process issue such as constipation may worsen if it isn't handled straight away. Constipation would bring discomfort and stress to your system and it might also become a blockage for any of your physical activities. Hence, having a regular bowel movement is very important for your overall health.

To avoid having bowel obstruction, detoxing your body will be the most practical method to do it. It?s advisable for you to have a good detox diet plan to make all of these health issues be fixed.

Did you also know that through this, it helps you revitalize your cells and it even produce new healthy cells for you. This is also a factor for having an enhanced immunity mechanism. De-toxing your body makes each one of these occur.

Detox diet plan has become a preferred start line for a good way of life. Most folks are definitely satisfied with this approach as lots of folks having weight issues have eventually have a solution for it ?through juice fasting.Juice fasting is a technique for detoxifying your body, and cleanses all of the damaging wastes in your system.

Juicing vegetables and fruit are essentially fun. Not only you get to select which vegetables and fruit you would wish to juice, you also get the possibility of mixing and mixing different veggies and fruits dependent on which nutrients you want to have and of course, how it would taste like.

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Hi! I'm Welch Hagerty a geek and gamer nerd who is on a great journey to weight loss. If you would like to discover more about detox diet plan. Then come visit my website about vegetable drink.


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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Social Network Marketing ? Get Connected with Facebook Australia ...

Posted by Social Profits on 23 August 2011

Get Connected with Facebook Australia and Australia Social Networking

Certainly, business and social media is a combination of two totally different industries that have emerged to become effective over the last recent years. Facebook Australia and Australia Social Networking have enabled the online community to promote and interact about almost all productions including small businesses. The social media provided an access to both business owners and consumers alike as this is perceived to be one of the quickest ways to buy and sell products over the internet. Numerous online business experts have taken the advantage to teach small business owners about the means on how to execute a venture via online; free trainings and lectures are being provided in many websites by various professionals as they are geared in giving guidelines for owners who wish to announce their venture through Facebook Australia and Australia Social Networking. Increasing your chances of earning a consistent profit has been made easier because currently, there are millions of users who are taking part in the online community on a regular basis.

Facebook Australia and Australia Social Networking gained popularity over the years because it typically contains information and topics that can entice tourists in discovering the wonderful things that this country has to offer. The leisure industry unfolds countless chances for small business owners to make their business be known to the online market because it does not cost as much and the information that the owner provides is being cascaded in a straightforward manner. Understanding the various concepts regarding marketing procedures is very essential for small businesses because this will aid in establishing a system for your venture; the information below shows a list of the things that needs to be done prior to starting a business with the use of Facebook Australia and Australia Social Networking.

? Create a brand for your business ? Branding is noted to be one of the best ways to reach out to your potential customers because this displays what you have to sell. Being able to build your name towards social networks can attract more followers and you should make the conscious effort to make yourself active in the online community so that you can address the concerns that the users may have regarding the market services that you offer.

? Learn how to maintain your social networks ? Make sure to create a welcome video, come up with articles directed towards your entire industry, and construct a dialogue that involves questions and concerns as these methods aid the customers in engaging and checking the products and services.

? Read and understand customer reviews ? It is important to always listen to customers? feedbacks and make an effort to respond to their issues. This will enable you to earn the trust of your customers because you are taking the time to hear them and it maintains social and professional interactions in the online community.

? Be sincere ? Executing a sales pitch should always be real so that customers will trust that the services that you offer are genuine. It is important to assure your customers that they will always get their money?s worth in the products that you provide and that you are pleased to serve them.

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Acquiring Domain Names For Personal Or Business Use

Posted on August 23rd, 2011 by in Web Design

There are several ways you can go about purchasing website name for your online business or for your personal online blog. Video marketing is one way to promote your domain name. In case you have a personal blog you can simply use the free services at WordPress or Blogger and use your own name. If you are starting a great internet business, however, that is not the strategy you should utilize.

When you get a website name you actually own a small piece of internet ?real estate?. So long as you don?t break any laws you can apply whatever you want with that domain. In the event you rely on the free sites you will be at their mercy. That could not seem like a big deal right now but if you raise your very profitable web business and Google (who owns decides that they don?t like anything you do, they can shut your website down with no notification. Think of what it would feel like to go to bed one evening with a very successful internet business only to wake up the next morning to discover that your website is gone! If you think I?m just being weird you must ask around in the discussion boards online and see if that has occurred to anyone. Since it only costs around $10 to buy a domain name, it?s just not worth a chance.

The next thing to consider for getting website name is what should your name be? The obvious way to answer that is to do keyword research and compile a list of keywords associated with your niche market that get high monthly queries. With your keyword list in hand head off to some online website name registrars like or Once there, you simply go down your keyword list until you locate a domain name that is available.

So, let?s imagine you have a keyword that is ?make money online?. You would likely go to a domain registrar, type in the phrase ?make money online? choose your extension (I personally think it?s ok to use either a .com or a .net) and see if that domain is available. If it is you just have to check out, and it?s yours. If you want to purchase a domain name that has already been bought by someone you can go to domain auction websites and then try to buy it there. You can expect to pay more since the domain name has actually been online in most cases and will already be generating traffic.

But, since it?s already getting traffic this may be a great way to jump start your company, so it?s not all bad, if you can afford it. Buying website name for your internet business really isn?t difficult or expensive. To get the biggest bang from your website name just follow these simple tips. When you use a genuine keyword for your domain name you will get most free traffic and that is always a nice thing.

Video Marketing is really a structure which allows people to pass along advertising clips about products and services accessible. This may be carried out by using Social Media Marketing, a method that gives hyperlinks, interest and huge numbers of views by marketing your internet site through social websites channels.

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Which private citizens, besides Martin Luther King, have Mall memorials?

Contrary to conventional wisdom, Martin Luther King Jr. isn't the only non-president to have a memorial on the National Mall. Here are three other individuals who got prime space.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial is already drawing big crowds in Washington, D.C. Its design, which features a 30-foot statue of the civil rights leader striding out of a block of stone, is producing positive reviews from many early visitors.

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That?s great. But some of the media reports on the new King complex say it is the only memorial on the National Mall that doesn?t honor a president or a war.

That?s not true, strictly speaking. It may be the biggest and most impressive memorial to a nonpolitician on the Mall. But it isn?t the only one.

There?s the John Ericsson Memorial, for one. Of course, not that many people today remember the Swedish-born Ericsson ? he was famous during and after the Civil War. An engineer and inventor, he was the principal designer of the famous Union ironclad warship, the USS Monitor.

The National Park Service lists Ericsson?s modest stone memorial as part of the National Mall and Memorial Parks. It stands where Independence Avenue meets Ohio Drive.

?In terms of placement, the memorial occupies a highly symbolic and important position guarding the Potomac River entrance into the Nation?s Capital; the Lincoln Memorial, honoring Ericsson?s great benefactor, stands just to the north,? notes the National Park Service website.

Then there?s the memorial honoring a somewhat better known naval hero ? John Paul Jones. The Jones Memorial was erected in 1912 near the Tidal Basin.

George Mason has a Tidal Basin-area memorial, too. Mason was a Founding Father who wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights and served as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1787. He was also a slaveholder, albeit one who wanted to ban the further importation of slaves and limit the spread of a practice he thought repugnant.

His memorial was approved by Congress in 1990 and dedicated in 2002. It is a simple statue of Mason sitting on a bench, near the Jefferson Memorial.

So that?s it ? there are at least three other memorials on the Mall, or what the National Park Service defines as the National Mall, that honor a private citizen.

Plus, there is Lafayette Square, which isn?t really part of the Mall, but which still ranks as prime memorial territory, due to its proximity to the White House.

Many Americans may be able to identify Lafayette Square?s central statue ? President Andrew Jackson, on horseback. But how many know that the square?s corners contain statues that honor foreign heroes of the American Revolution?

The Marquis de Lafayette himself stands on the southwest corner. The southeast corner features another Frenchman, Maj. Gen. Comte Jean de Rochambeau. Prussia?s Maj. Gen. Baron Frederich Wilhelm von Steuben gets the northwest corner. The northeast spot goes to Poland?s Gen. Thaddeus Kosciuszko.


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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Why the Hell Are People Buying Touchpads for $300 on eBay? [WebOS]

Ah, the HP Touchpad. When it was previewed, it looked amazing. When it was reviewed, it was smashed. When it was launched, it was ignored. When HP killed webOS and dropped the price to $100, it sold out? Yes. And now it's selling for more than retail on eBay. More »


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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Analysis: Peril and promise in twin Syria, Libya crises (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? Now that he has called for Syria's leader to leave, President Barack Obama faces the daunting challenge of smoothing the way to a post-Assad era -- just as another Arab strongman looks increasingly beleaguered in Libya.

The twin crises appear to offer opportunities for U.S. foreign policy -- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is an ally of Iran, foe of Israel and sponsor of the armed militant group Hezbollah, while Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has vexed U.S. officials for decades.

But they also bring grave risks at a time when Obama is focused on domestic affairs.

Between them, Assad and his late father have ruled Syria with iron fists for 41 years. U.S. and European officials privately concede that civil and political chaos in Syria might be the most likely result if Assad abruptly leaves power.

Syria's political opposition is even more disorganized and fragmented than Libyan rebels who now appear to be closing in on Gaddafi's stronghold in Tripoli.

After weeks of resisting, Obama, backed by the European Union, called on Thursday for Assad to go during the same week that Gaddafi's position in Libya appeared to erode, as rebels seized the key western city of Zawiyeh.

With a war-weary U.S. public and tight budgets, the White House has made clear it has no plans to put troops on the ground in Libya or Syria, either to topple their leaders or engage in "nation-building" should they depart.

"The same concerns that apparently constrained the administration from calling for Assad's ouster persist today: how do we force Assad out? Does the fall of the Alawite regime result in sectarian chaos? And what comes after this regime amid potential Islamist extremism?" said Juan Zarate, a White House counterterrorism adviser to former President George W. Bush.

Assad and much of his ruling circle are members of the minority Alawite sect, which makes up about 12 percent of Syria's population.

"The calculus to call for Assad's ouster has come too late, and it's now time to find ways with our partners to shape the coming days in Damascus," Zarate said.

The Syrian opposition, which ranges from secular reformers to Islamists in the Muslim Brotherhood, has made halting steps at unity.

On Friday, more than 40 "revolution blocs" announced they had forged a coalition to unite their efforts to overthrow Assad, according to news reports.

"The opposition, on its own and without international involvement, has made significant strides over the past several months to unify," a senior U.S. official said this week.

"We can't predict how long this transition will take. Nothing about it will be easy. But we're certain that Assad is on the way out," said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity.


Former CIA Deputy Director John McLaughlin predicted the struggle in Syria would go on for some time "because of Bashar's limited incentive to cry 'uncle,'" but would result ultimately in Assad's demise.

That might be followed by a weak, Sunni-dominated government and McLaughlin said such an outcome would itself present many challenges.

He said it would "transform Syria into a political battleground between competing regional players, mainly Shiite Iran -- which will be losing its closest ally and the avenue through which it supplies its Hezbollah proxy in Lebanon -- and Saudi Arabia, which will see an opportunity to checkmate Iran's regional influence by aiding Syria's Sunni majority.

"Just the usual simple Middle East equation -- actually what is already three-dimensional chess will become more like a mosh pit."

It is unclear how much planning the Obama administration has done for a post-Assad Syria. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met publicly for the first time this month with Syrian activists.

But in Libya, a rapid succession of rebel victories has accelerated Western postwar planning, even as officials discounted intelligence reports suggesting Gaddafi's departure was imminent.

The NATO alliance on Friday authorized formal planning for post-Gaddafi Libya. Next week, rebels of the Transitional National Council will meet in Dubai with officials from the United States, Britain, Jordan, United Arab Emirates and perhaps others, "all devoted to the day-after planning," an Obama administration official told Reuters.

The working idea is that the UAE, Jordan and Qatar would put together "a bridging force" of 1,000 to 2,000 personnel to be deployed in Libya just after Gaddafi goes, the official said.

White House officials are concerned that unless transition plans are firmed up now, post-Gaddafi Libya may be chaotic and it may be impossible to fulfill the West's promise to protect Libya's population from a humanitarian crisis.

Some U.S. and European officials say that despite its better organization and purported recent advances, Libya's opposition movement is not ready to govern.

The optimistic scenario U.S. and European officials hope will develop in Libya is that Gaddafi will decide to go fairly soon but enough of his government and forces will remain intact to enable the formation of a transitional government that can maintain a measure of civil order.

(Additional reporting by Andrew Quinn, Arshad Mohammed and Susan Cornwell; Editing by Warren Strobel and Peter Cooney)


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Australian soldiers to tap into solar power on the field (Yahoo! News)

Hair-thin wearable solar panels could relieve soldiers of weighty batteries for military equipment

Soldiers on the field have to carry several electronic devices such as night-vision goggles, various communicators, and flashlights ? gadgets that could help them live to see another day. To ensure that these devices would work when they're needed, the average soldier has to lug around half a kilogram or so of batteries. But the Australian National University (ANU) believes it's come up with a?greener way to juice?military gadgets.

The university developed a wearable solar cell technology dubbed SLIVER as part of its $2.3 million contract with Australia's Department of Defense. The solar cells are just 45 microns thick ? that's as thin as human hair or a sheet of paper. They're lightweight, flexible, and exhibit the same efficiency as their thicker counterparts. They can also withstand extreme temperatures.

Professor Andrew Blakers, the project's chief investigator, says soldiers can wear the panels on their clothes and helmets, or attach them to weapons or tents. As they're thin and flexible, the panels can easily be rolled up and put away ? an ideal set-up as we're sure that if you're an infantry soldier on the frontlines, shiny solar cells on your helmet are the last thing you'll need.

While it's certainly interesting that the SLIVER solar panels are extremely thin and are designed to be worn, the idea of tapping into solar energy to power military devices is nothing new. Last year, the U.S. military deployed?solar backpacks to its troops in Afghanistan for that very purpose.

[via?ANU News,?MSN Australia]

[Image source:?The U.S. Army]

Post by Mariella Moon

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