Friday, March 2, 2012

Modern Family Review: Education & Growth | Educational Board ...

I always think one of the most appealing things of The United States is that US parents are far more open in education. Instead of just talking to their children unilaterally, they pay more attention to the conversation between they and their children.

It isn?t just for fun to watch US TV shows. Sometimes it is like a kind of experience. Placing myself into the episodes, and feeling some of their education and inspiration that I have never had. Maybe it could make up some of the deficiency in my childhood. But just maybe?

Like other situation comedies, Modern Family can not escape from common family routine such as trivial home matters, couples conflicts, children growing problems and discords between daughter and stepmother. And although there are fights and conflicts, but every one in the big family loves each other, that the final ending of every episode is always happy.

Even if the editors keep creating topics, making up scenarios, we can always see through these pieces of facts the American educational culture and daily life. And I am always touched by the episodes and can?t help thinking how it could be if my parents had treated me like these?

Little Manny ridiculed by his classmates at school. His old stepfather knew that himself was not good at persuasion, so he called his son Mitchell to see meteor showers with him and Manny and try to persuade Manny by the way. Although teased by Manny, Mitchell sat down and told Manny that he had also been ridiculed by others as a child. Sometimes it is very strange that we hated to be isolated at childhood, but almost over one night, suddenly every one wanted to be different. Mitchell did not pretend to be profound, but said the homely words. This really deserves further thought.

I remember in one episode of Friends, Phoebe said that he doesn?t believe Darwin?s evolution theory. As a paleontologist, Ross felt that he had to persuade Phoebe. But Phoebe said, however, I know the theory of evolution makes sense, but why do I have to believe? Even if there is so much evidence and so many people who believe in it, but is it certainly right? Then Ross scratched his head, didn?t speak any longer, and packed up and left. I think this conveys determination of anti-authority and not blindly following the majority. Althouth this power is quite small and no body support it, but I still stick to my opinion.


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