Friday, March 23, 2012

Insurers Offer Self-Insurance to Small Firms, Says Report | TopNews ...

It has been found through a new report that insurers in California have been offering health coverage to employers of small organizations, with more number of healthier workers. The same may cause a threat to state and federal healthcare reforms, fear Californian insurance officials.

The report has revealed that under self-insurance, employers need to pay some amount to medical providers for taking care of their workers. It is being said that it is opted by a large number of employers who can afford expensive medical claims.

As per the findings of the report, self-insurance is chosen by employers for many other reasons as well. It can comprise the insurance's exempt from state insurance regulations like mandated benefits. These are known to grant employers the flexibility to design their own benefit package as well as an opportunity to gather some amount from the savings, which come from employee wellness programs.

It is being said by officials on discovering that insurers like Cigna Corp., which chose companies with healthier workers to be insured. They have told that they are weakening the aim of the federal Affordable Care Act, which is to group together more healthy and sick Americans into insurance exchanges so as to decrease premiums.

Also, they have been warning regulators that they should not interfere in the market as they themselves are involved in fulfilling employer demands to offer affordable health coverage. "We are working carefully to ensure that consumers in all markets have the protections guaranteed by the Affordable Care Act and will provide more clarity on the tools available to reinforce these protections soon", said a spokesman for the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.


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