Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fine Tune Your Commercial Real Estate ... -

Fine Tune Your Commercial Real Estate Crystal Ball

Don?t you wish you had a crystal ball that showed you what?s to come in the future An easy wave over the crystal ball, the mutter of the magic word, as well as your entire future can there be, revealed in front of you. Now you know what is to come, you are able to prepare and move accordingly to help you be ready for what the now identified future holds.

Unfortunately, this crystal ball doesn?t literally exist, but in commercial real estate there are many tools which you can use that act like a crystal ball. They are able to show you the future in an indirect way so you, too, may plan and move accordingly in order to take advantage of the market place.

Fining tuning your real estate crystal ball is really a matter of paying attention, doing a bit of basic research, and standing on top and aware of all elements inside your comfort zone, or concentrated area of focus and influence. It does take vision as well as an element of creativity to actually fine tune your crystal ball, and, for some, it is the best aspect of commercial real estate! Being able to predict, envision, after which create something that at one time did not even exist, not even within an idea, and then search out the resources to create and set the plan in motion is really a commercial real estate insider?s dream. When done effectively, it can be very satisfying and lucrative!

You should be doing many things that assist you in predicting and planning the future, which is extremely important in commercial real estate. If you can see an opportunity coming before it really presents itself, then you are in a position to prepare for that opportunity before other people, and reap the advantages. These things may include driving the streets of your community to see what land and buildings are available, what centers are vacant for leasing, attending planning and zoning meetings, reading the neighborhood newspaper for economic and real estate changes or trends, as well as researching other cities and just how their market may affect yours in any way, shape or form.

As a genuine estate insider, it?s pertinent that you are up to par, and even an expert inside your comfort zone. These things in the above list are how you are constantly informed and a step ahead of other property people, as well as your own market.

Besides doing these things religiously, and always analyzing the data that you collect, there area a few other specific tools that will permit you to see into your commercial real estate future and identify opportunities that others will miss.

The first is really a city?s future land use master plan or map that shows the future zoning and use for all the land inside a city?s limits. Some cities may not have one if they are too small and not looking for growth. However, most cities will have master use plans which are used to dictate the entire future of a city?s economic make-up.

This map can be used to plan for growth so that all elements of a town are controlled. Zoning and employ may change for operating properties; others may stay the same. There is the possibility of raw land to become annexed into the city, using a specific use, offering huge possibilities to the commercial real estate investor. There may be a need to tear down or renovate old properties, and develop them for a different use.

The probabilities of what a future land use map holds is gold in the eyes of an investor, and extremely important to all those working in commercial real estate. Refer to this map, and actually visit the locations of where there is change to identify opportunities. As all areas is different, you will be amazed in regards to what opportunities will unveil themselves whenever you bring to it a little vision, creativity, and insider information regarding the zoning and use of a property.

Another tool to see into the future may be the economic forecast for your area. By looking at both the past and future per capita income, population growth rates, housing costs and other such data that can be found through the census and native Chamber of Commerce, you can observe the overall economic environment of your city and how it?s performing.

Perhaps a continuing reduction in population means individuals are moving out of the city, suggesting not to invest in new house or apartment rise in that area. Or, the development has been so extreme the city is in desperate necessity of commercial property to be able to support the influx of individuals. You can definitely plan on the way you are going to move in the market with this information by your side.

The final tool I urge you to definitely utilize when predicting your commercial real estate future is already approved infrastructural changes in your city. This will need you to attend city meetings regarding zoning, planning, development, etc. There might be discussion of a new development a year or more before it actually occurs, and once you learn about it, you can start putting your own ideas into place.

As I am certain you already know, large, influential, infrastructural changes can greatly increase the land values of properties that surround them. For example, a large strip mall being developed will increase the value of all the land surrounding it, in addition to possibly call for a greater demand of residential units, and an increase in the lot and the cost of rent that can be charged based on the new market.

Let?s state that you hear 2 yrs in advance about a strip mall which will begin development after it is approved. You are then getting a jump on all competition, look at the site, the land surrounding it, and also the opportunities it may offer. Are you able to purchase the now extremely cheap land adjacent to this website, or perhaps the poor performing apartment complex awaiting this new development so that you may benefit from the price increase this major infrastructural change is going to cause


These things happen all the time, and I urge you to definitely be a visionary and look to the future. After all, this is where a majority of commercial real estate profits is made- by creating something which either wasn?t there, or improving upon what is there.

As you can see, you may not have a crystal ball that does all the work for you, but I promise when you use these tools and follow the following tips, you will be preparing yourself for nice opportunities that others, basically, will overlook. It will take some effort and constant dedication. However, the outcomes that you yield is going to be way worth it. Actually, it is much easier to be the very first mover, rather than suffering the increased land prices and changes after a development is already in place or even underway.

Realize your power to predict the future and plan your goals accordingly! You will be successful with these tools, so implement them today.

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