Monday, July 18, 2011

Email Marketing for Small Business | Raleigh Internet Marketing Agency

Email marketing is the most effective marketing campaign you can use for your online business. Follow the rules and grow your email list and the profits will surely follow. Email marketing is a direct message to the recipient. A one-on-one conversation with your potential customer.? You should have a good reason to write to your list. A new offer, a discount coupon or some high quality free content that is relevant to the list members.

Use a Killer Subject Line

It? s great to have a good offer for your list, but the customers will not know about your offer unless they open your open email. The subject line is the key to getting your email opened. Your subscribers join your list for a variety of reasons. They are not likely to be sitting waiting for your next email newsletter. So you are going to have to write a juicy Subject Line to get your email opened.
If your Subject Line is not compelling, subscribers will never see your well ?written article. They will never see the amazing pictures of your products. Most of your customers will delete your email without opening it. People are being sold to everywhere they go. People are getting ?turned off? by the barrage? of sales pitches. It seems that everyone is having the biggest sale ever, and people are getting tired of it.


So what do you write? What will keep subscribers from deleting your email and in fact, entice subscribers to open your email and act upon it?


You want a subject line that creates interest, stirs emotions and feelings of desire to learn more. So your Subject Line needs to be clear and concise: How wants to reduce their credit card debt? This subject line was first used in the 1920?s and it is still the most effective teaser that you can use. Asking a question that almost everyone will respond to makes a good Subject Line. This always works.
Don?t use all caps, avoid extra punctuation, and don?t use more than one exclamation point if you must use any at all.

What Is Good Email Design?

Now that you?ve captured your customer?s interest with a great Subject Line, carefully develop your content. Capture the subscribers eye with interesting but relevant graphics. Keep it simple. Use pictures of your product and write a description of the benefits they will receive from owning your product.

Focus on your products.

Whether you?re featuring just one or a whole range of products, your product images have to be crystal clear and sharp. In other words, your product pictures need to pop.
You can use in-context images or just simple product pictures. One simple layout I?m fond of using is an in-context image at the top either to the right or left of my offer text. I also have used a mini ?picture gallery? to show the benefits of the product. I have arranged these pictures in the text of the email . I try to keep the discussion close to the relevant picture so the subscriber can ?read and see? what I?m talking about. The design that works best for me may not work as well for your products and/or customer base, so always be testing new layouts.

Scheduling Your Email

Scheduling is an important factor in email marketing. Just as sales ebb and flow with the days of the week, so does email response. There are a lot of different ideas and theories marketers have about the best day to mail. My experience shows that the best day to email varies by industry and customer type. The best day to email is something you will have to test and try to determine for your product and industry.


You need to develop a feel for your customer base. How do they like to do things? Look at your server stats and figure out the day of the week and approximate time that you get the most orders. By approximate time I mean morning, afternoon, or evening. Schedule your mailing to hit your subscribers? inboxes just before your approximate best time. That?s how you should begin. Test and track to determine the optimum time and date. You should also test frequency of your mailings. Your customer base, will also dictate this.
Put as much thought and care into designing your emails as you do your website. Your email reflects on your overall business so be consistent with the quality of your writing and presentation. Follow these steps and you will build your list and reap the benefits of repeat sales. Keep testing and tracking your results to identify the likes of your subscriber list. Then provide what they are looking for.


To learn more about How to Grow Your Business Using Online Marketing, visit?Raleigh Internet Marketing Agency or call Bill Miller at 919-909-8163.


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