Friday, February 24, 2012

Day in the Life ? Making A Home And Family

I was inspired by a Mama friend??to do my very own Day in the Life?post because well, I may not be all that exciting but it?s fun to take pictures and document how my days go. ?Through all the ups and downs, spilled juices, and diaper leaks there sure is a lot to be thankful for.

7:30am :: Wake up call from V who always proceeds to wake up AJ with her booming voice

Since I knew a friend was planning to visit, I showered right away and brewed coffee. ?Then I got the kids dressed.

8:30 :: Coffee (and breakfast with internet time)

9:00 :: Barn chores

In my cool mud boots :)

Feed the chickens ? check. ?Feed the barn dog ? check. ?Feed the goats ? check.

Pick eggs ? check.

By the time chores were done, a friend was over with her little one for a play date.

10:00 and 11:00 looked similar. ?Babies playing or nursing, toddler being crazy self, mamas trying to chat.

11:30 :: Lunch

I didn?t take a picture of our lunch, but we had hot dogs and leftover pasta primavera. ?I guess I was feeling rushed to get out the door.

12:15 :: We packed up and left for the library

1:00 :: We were comfortably settled into the library.

Val played with toys, I read her a few books, she colored, and we got some new things to take home with us for the week.

2:00 :: A quick stop in for a few groceries and a paper

3:00 :: Log into work

Once I got home, I let AJ nap in his carseat (I am that mom that leaves a sleeping baby sleep), turned on a movie for V (I am also that mom), and I logged into work for an hour.

4:00 :: Decaf chai latte time

I had a little bit of down time after work and before supper so I made myself a hot cuppa. ?I nursed and changed the baby, set him up to play, did a load of laundry, and got V about 5 different snacks this hour.

5:00 :: AJ took a nap while snuggling and V decided to have a dance party

6:00 :: I started prepping dinner

I was enjoying my cuddling time with AJ, so I didn?t start supper early. ?Val helped me mix up the eggs for scrambled eggs and stirred the mix for biscuits and gravy. ?Our dinner was fabulous ? you have to try these gluten-free biscuits and gravy! ?Somewhere in here I managed to get V in the shower.

7:00 :: The GOP debate was on?

I listened to most of the debate from the kitchen while I did dishes, cleaned the counters, and cleared off the dining room table.

8:00 :: More debate

The scene looked very similar ? AJ was cuddling with DaDa in the chair, V was playing/crawling on us/had one tired meltdown.

8:30 :: Bedtime routine

I changed AJ?s diaper, read 3 bedtime stories while we were on the living room rug, and I sang them this book (while listening to the CD of course).

I nursed AJ, talked to V a bit, but then she had to get up a few times to give her DaDa a hug and get kefir to drink. ?Finally, she fell asleep holding her Thomas the Train flashlight. ?I wiggled out of bed.

9:30 :: Write thank you card and work on blog post

Here I am! ?Did I mention I had some dark chocolate bar with almond and cherries? ?Okay, I had a lot of it. ?It was really good. :)

That?s a Day in the Life of me. ?

A busy, rewarding, sometimes crazy, mostly fun, blessed, never boring life of mine! ?

I wouldn?t trade it for the world!


ruth madoff ruth madoff in living color enews enews mona simpson mona simpson

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