Saturday, June 25, 2011

Commercial Equipment Leasing Provides ... - Commercial Loan Training

 Commercial Equipment Leasing Provides Flexibility

a couple of years, ca small to midsize companies a municipalities have turned to equipment leasing their upgrade needs. Owners have found c more favourable than borrowing a reasons. First, equipment leasing a, allowing business owners to finance a c a % of c the equipment down payment.

This helps preserve much-needed working capital in today's tough economy. Companies have different needs, different cash flow patterns and, sometimes, irregular streams of income. Leases a b created a companies to have payments that match their revenue stream. Payments a b structured monthly, quarterly, semiannually or annually. In some instances, step payments a implemented. a, payments begin with a lower amount, then increase over the term of the lease. Recent surveys indicate that eight out of companies lease some equipment. aaa are numerous, including preserving existing lines of credit, possibly securing a lower a , to expense payments as ' made versus taking the depreciation and expensing interest annually, and lastly - structure - leasing ca a b treated as an off balance sheet transaction. c a it aa as a liability, debt, a lessee's balance sheet. ' a lease payments versus loan payments. Oftentimes, business owners find it ca to lease than ca the equipment. When owners lease, own the equipment. In turn, the bank takes the depreciation a asset, c a tax savings for the bank c b passed c the business owner a a lower a . The resulting savings then provide ca flow to the business owner, fueling incremental growth. So, what a b leased? Almost any equipment a business. Some common examples include commercial vehicles, computers and telecommunications equipment, medical equipment, machining, and office furniture. In Oklahoma, many municipalities a c districts find leasing a option b. If a city needs a ba fire truck, police car or dump truck, officials often turn to leasing. This strategy secure the equipment a provide residents with essential services a stress their shrinking budgets. Equipment leasing through a bank generally subjects you to ca lending standards find with a commercial loan. Requirements c time in business, profitability of ca, personal credit scores of the guarantors, use and desired term of lease are all factors c b cc before the bank can proceed with the lease. a a $2 billion dollars aaa leasing cc ..a. a. aca, leasing c a North America's largest external source of financing equipment acquisitions.


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