Friday, August 31, 2012

Police: 100-year-old driver hits 11 near LA school

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? The screams of women and children didn't cause a 100-year-old driver to stop as he backed his large powder blue Cadillac onto a sidewalk across from an elementary school and hit 11 people, including nine children.

So people began pounding on his windows screaming for him to stop, a witness said.

Alma Solache said she was buying her children an afterschool snack Wednesday just before the accident outside a South Los Angeles school.

"He was not paying attention," said Solache, 24, adding that it was at least two or three seconds before the vehicle halted and people began pulling children out from beneath the car.

Four of the children were in critical condition when firefighters arrived but they were stabilized and were in serious condition at a hospital, city fire Capt. Jaime Moore said. Everyone was expected to survive, he said.

Children's backpacks, shoes, candy and loose change were strewn about the scene behind a discount grocery store across from Main Street Elementary.

Police said the driver, Preston Carter, was being very cooperative and drugs or alcohol were not a factor in the crash.

Carter talked to television reporters after the crash some five miles southwest of downtown Los Angeles. He said he has a driver's license and will be 101 years old Sept. 5.

"My brakes failed. It was out of control," Carter told KCAL-TV.

Asked about hitting the children, Preston said: "You know I'm sorry about that. I wouldn't do that for nothing on earth. My sympathies for them."

Carter was pulling out of the grocery store parking lot, but instead of backing into the street, he backed onto the sidewalk, police Capt. George Rodriguez said.

"I think it was a miscalculation on his part. The gentleman is elderly," Rodriguez said. "Obviously he is going to have some impairment on his decision making."

Elderly drivers have been involved in other tragedies. In 2003, an 86-year-old man mistakenly stepped on the gas pedal of his car instead of the brake and then panicked, plowing into an open-air market in Santa Monica. Ten people were killed and 63 injured.

According to California's Department of Motor Vehicles, people over age 70 must renew their driver's license in person, rather than via the Internet or by mail. Older drivers can also be required to take a supplemental driving test if they fail a vision exam, or if a police officer, a physician, or a family member raises questions about their ability to drive.

Rodriguez said the collision was being investigated as an accident, and Carter was not under arrest. He has a valid driver's license, Rodriguez said.


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Malaria nearly eliminated in Sri Lanka despite decades of conflict

ScienceDaily (Aug. 29, 2012) ? Despite nearly three decades of conflict, Sri Lanka has succeeded in reducing malaria cases by 99.9 percent since 1999 and is on track to eliminate the disease entirely by 2014.

According to a paper published August 29 in the online, open-access journal PLoS ONE, researchers from Sri Lanka's Anti-Malaria Campaign and the UCSF Global Health Group examined national malaria data and interviewed staff of the country's malaria program to determine the factors behind Sri Lanka's success in controlling malaria, despite a 26-year civil war that ended in 2009.

Typically, countries with conflict experience a weakening of their malaria control programs and an increased risk of outbreaks and epidemics, the researchers said.

Chief among its keys to success was the program's ability to be flexible and adapt to changing conditions, the study found. For instance, to protect hard-to-reach, displaced populations, public health workers deployed mobile clinics equipped with malaria diagnostics and antimalarial drugs, whenever it was safe to do so. Likewise, when it was impossible to routinely spray insecticides in homes in conflict zones, the malaria program distributed long-lasting insecticide-treated nets, engaging non-governmental partner organizations familiar with the areas to help with distribution.

The program was able to sustain key prevention and surveillance activities in conflict areas through support from partner organizations and support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

Otherwise, researchers found that the keys to Sri Lanka's success were the same as those deployed in non-conflict areas: rigorously and consistently providing interventions to prevent malaria among high-risk populations; proper and prompt diagnosis and treatment of all confirmed malaria cases; and maintenance of an effective surveillance system to quickly detect and respond to spikes in cases. Still, challenges remain.

"Sustaining the gains of elimination efforts and preventing resurgence is even more challenging today, especially in tropical settings such as Sri Lanka," said Rabindra Abeyasinghe, MD, the paper's first author, who led the research at the Sri Lankan Anti-Malaria Campaign. "In this era, sustaining the interest of partners and local decision makers, and ensuring continued funding, are becoming increasingly difficult. To avoid the tragic mistakes of the past, we must resolve to continue to devote the necessary resources and energy to the fight against malaria in Sri Lanka."

Sri Lanka has an extensive history of battling malaria, and nearly eliminated it once before. In 1963, during the era of global eradication efforts, the country achieved a low of only 17 cases, down from 92,000 cases in 1953. With funding declines and reduced spraying and surveillance, the country saw a massive resurgence to 1.5 million cases in 1967-1968.

Since 1970, Sri Lanka has worked to bring malaria back under control, with compelling success, the authors said. In 2011, the country recorded just 124 locally acquired cases -- about six cases per million people. This reduction is particularly noteworthy, the researchers noted, given that much of the progress was made during the civil war.

"It is very exciting to document Sri Lanka's current progress toward malaria elimination, to add another chapter to our country's ongoing fight against the disease," said Gawrie Galappaththy, MD, a study coauthor at the Anti-Malaria Campaign at Sri Lanka's Ministry of Health. However, she said, achieving zero malaria will require continued investments and hard work.

"There is no silver bullet for malaria elimination," Galappaththy said. "Instead, it's a daily commitment to finding the cases, treating the patients and preventing transmission."

Today, even with the country's great progress, Sri Lanka continues to face hurdles in its goal of driving malaria transmission to zero. Total malaria cases have dramatically dropped, but the proportion of Plasmodium vivax malaria infections -- the more difficult to diagnose and treat form of malaria most common in Sri Lanka -- is on the rise.

Another challenge is the shift in the population group at highest risk for malaria. In most of the world, children and pregnant women are most at risk; however following the success of Sri Lanka's control program in protecting and treating these populations, the researchers found that the group most at risk today in Sri Lanka is adult men, particularly those exposed to malaria-carrying mosquitoes through their work, such as gem mining, military service and farming. Sri Lanka is developing new strategies to target these groups.

"Sri Lanka is showing the world how to eliminate malaria," said Sir Richard Feachem, KBE, FREng, DSc(Med), PhD, director of the Global Health Group and senior author of the paper. "The country has made extraordinary progress, reducing malaria by 99.9 percent in the past decade. And all this achieved during a particularly nasty civil war. With continued commitment from the country's Government and supporters, we are confident that Sri Lanka will finish the fight and become a malaria-free country."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). The original article was written by Kristen Bole.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Rabindra R. Abeyasinghe, Gawrie N. L. Galappaththy, Cara Smith Gueye, James G. Kahn, Richard G. A. Feachem. Malaria Control and Elimination in Sri Lanka: Documenting Progress and Success Factors in a Conflict Setting. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (8): e43162 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043162

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Jetsettersblog ? Saint Lucia to Host 2nd Annual Health & Wellness ...

Goddess Swimwear from Today ShowJoy Bauer, Lindsay Wagner, Dr. Stephen Brewer and More to Lead Events, Seminars & Activities

Saint Lucia? ? Saint Lucia will host ?Elevate Yourself? the 2nd Annual Health & Wellness Retreat, October 4 ? 7, 2012. Leading experts, including actress and best-selling author Lindsay Wagner and Today Show nutrition and health expert Joy Bauer, will offer tips and advice during wellness seminars, beachside fitness clinics, healthy cooking demonstrations and even sunrise mediations.

With ample time built-in for relaxation, the four-day retreat will take place in locales across the picturesque Caribbean island, from Pigeon Island National Park near the capital of Castries to the UNESCO World Heritage Pitons in the southwestern town of Soufriere.

Priced at US $750 per person, daily spa treatments, classes, receptions and transportation from select hotels are included. Several area resorts are also offering specially priced packages starting at US $75 per night. For a complete schedule and more information visit

?Saint Lucia has a reputation as a tranquil, rejuvenating and even spiritual destination, with a number of resorts widely recognized for their world-class spa and wellness programs,? said Louis Lewis, Director of Tourism for the Saint Lucia Tourist Board.

?The Health & Wellness Retreat is a natural fit and the quality of this year?s expert guests speaks to the growing stature of the event. We?re truly honored to welcome such a renowned group to Saint Lucia.?

The diverse program will be led by renowned experts in the wellness field including:

? Joy Bauer, nutrition and health expert for The Today Show, will present her top ten tips for ?Losing weight and keeping it off?? and share information on how to find the fountain of youth in your grocery cart.

? Lindsay Wagner, actress and best-selling co-author of The High Road to Health, will lead a sunrise group meditation and teach how to ?Quiet the Mind & Open the Heart? by releasing thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs of negative emotions.

? John Schumacher, founder and director of Unity Woods Yoga Center and one of only 13 certified advanced lyengar yoga teachers in the U.S., will lead daily yoga sessions on the basic postures and breathing exercises that energize and center the body.

? Dr. Stephen Brewer, medical director at Canyon Ranch Health Resorts in Tucson, AZ, will speak about the ?Optimal Wellness? -achieving health through exercise, nutrition, behavioral modification and mental awareness.

Save 10% on spa gift certificates at Dani Devaux, creator of Blood, Sweat and Tears fitness program, will lead multiple sunset beach boot camps based on her high intensity interval training program, designed for all fitness levels.

Each day guests will find a choice of seminars, activities such as guided Rain Forest hikes, beachside Tai Chi and Yoga, and healthy cooking demonstrations.

Also included are daily spa treatments at participating resorts, including the newly relaunched Body Holiday ? Le Sport among others, as well as the opportunity to indulge in the natural therapeutic benefits of Soufriere?s mineral and mud baths.

Special hotel packages include breakfast and are available at the following participating properties:

? Bay Gardens Resorts rates start at US $150 per night for a deluxe pool view room
? BodyHoliday-LeSport all-inclusive, per person rates start at US $275 per night
? Cap Maison rates start at US $230 per night for a one-bedroom studio

? Coco Palm rates start at US $75 per night at the Coco Palm Kreole Village

? Sandals Grande Beach Resort & Spa start at US $350 per night
? The Landings St. Lucia rates start at US $269 per night for a one-bedroom Harbor Suite

For more information about the island of Saint Lucia call 1-800-456-3984, or visit ?or become a fan at


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Verdict due on Mumbai gunman's appeal

India's Supreme Court was due Wednesday to deliver its verdict on an appeal against the death sentence handed down to the lone surviving gunman from the 2008 Mumbai attacks.

Mohammed Kasab, one of 10 gunmen who laid siege to Mumbai in attacks that lasted nearly three days and killed 166 people, launched his appeal claiming he had not been given a fair trial.

He was found guilty of charges including waging war against India, murder and terrorist acts, and was given the death penalty in May 2010.

Two Supreme Court judges in New Delhi have heard the appeal of Pakistan-born Kasab, who is currently held in a maximum-security prison in Mumbai.

If he loses his Supreme Court petition, he can lodge a final appeal for clemency with the president.

During the November 2008 attacks, heavily armed Islamist gunmen stormed targets in Mumbai including luxury hotels, a Jewish centre, a hospital and a bustling train station.

India blames the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) militant outfit for training, equipping and financing the gunmen with support from "elements" in the Pakistan military.

Kasab initially pleaded not guilty but later confessed, admitting he was one of the gunmen sent by the LeT.

"I was denied a fair trial," Kasab said in a statement when his appeal hearing began in January. "I may be guilty of killing people and carrying out a terrorist act but I am not guilty of waging war against the state."

In 2009, Pakistan charged seven alleged perpetrators behind the attacks but insists it needs more evidence.

The Mumbai attacks horrified India as each development unfolded live on television, and there have been widespread public calls for Kasab's execution.

At the trial, the prosecution produced fingerprint, DNA, eyewitness and TV footage evidence showing Kasab opening fire and throwing grenades at Mumbai's main railway station in the bloodiest episode of the attacks.

Most death sentences in India are commuted to life imprisonment, but convicts can sit on death row for years awaiting a final decision.

Pakistan has admitted that the attacks were planned partly on its soil, but flatly denies any official involvement.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Analysis: South Africa mine killings could hurt Zuma ahead of vote

MARIKANA, South Africa (Reuters) - South African's President Jacob Zuma rose to power as a man of the people but seemed a world away from the masses when he stood in a suit under a parasol to speak to destitute miners about the deadliest police killing since apartheid ended.

The deaths of 44 in a labor dispute this month at Lonmin's Marikana mine, including 34 armed miners shot by police, could undermine Zuma's populist appeal and threaten his chances in a December vote where he seeks re-election as the leader of the party that dominates politics.

Zuma's critics say the day last week he spoke to miners for a few minutes under the blazing sun showed him more beholden to special interest groups than to millions of South Africans waiting for him to ease poverty.

He took more time to speak to Lonmin's executives than miners and then left the mine to dance in front of cameras at a ruling African National Congress event, despite declaring a week of mourning.

"Our government is becoming a pig that is eating its own children," Julius Malema, the ANC Youth League expelled from the ruling party after crossing swords with Zuma, said at a memorial service on Thursday for the victims.

"Our government is failing to intervene in mines because our leaders are involved in mines," Malema said.

It is too early to tell how much damage Zuma will suffer from the killings at the Marikana mine, northwest of Johannesburg, but the president's foes have been using the event to store ammunition before December's vote.

"The fact that Zuma ordered police to bring the Lonmin strike under control has exposed him to accusations of complicity in the miners' deaths," Mark Rosenberg wrote in a note for the political risk consultancy Eurasia Group.


Banished from the ANC, Malema is in a position to say things ANC leaders cannot in public because the party prefers to confine debate to behind closed doors. It also makes Malema influential to those who want to unseat Zuma.

The incident, dubbed by local media the "Marikana Massacre" has hit the base of support that brought Zuma to power, widening a divide between him and his former backers in the Youth League.

The staunch support Zuma once had from the powerful COSATU labor federation has also been called into question with its flagship group, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), finding itself isolated by miners who say it has lost its focus on workers by cozying up to the ANC and mining giants.

Prior to the killings, Zuma seemed headed to a victory at the ANC election, which would put him in a position to remain as South Africa's president until 2019.

While he is still in the driver's seat, the road has become a lot bumpier.

"Before Lonmin, with NUM in his corner, the race was going to be easy but it's going to be difficult to get a clear consensus from COSATU when there are big people who are anti-Zuma," said a senior union official campaigning for Zuma's re-election who did not want to be named.

Nominations for the race open in October and the ANC forbids potential candidates from lobbying ahead of time.

Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe is the most viable choice. Insiders say the man who served as caretaker president for eight months from September 2008 when the ANC recalled former President Thabo Mbeki to make way for Zuma, will only raise his hand if he knows he can win.

Before Marikana, Zuma's supporters are believed to have courted Cyril Ramaphosa, the former leader of NUM who is now an ANC heavyweight and one of the country's richest businessmen - offering him the position of deputy president.

The former labor leader and anti-apartheid activist Ramaphosa now sits on Lonmin's board as a non-executive director and has been called a sellout by Zuma's critics, such as former youth leader Malema.

"It's a different ball game now and Cyril is tainted," the Zuma campaign official said.


The incident has also laid bare cracks in society with an electorate complaining of growing levels of income inequality and the government's slow pace in addressing apartheid-era infrastructure backlogs in housing, education and healthcare.

Unemployment has inched up under Zuma while the country has slipped in Transparency International's rankings of perceived corruption. Several Zuma allies are being probed on suspicion of using political connections to line their pockets.

COSATU Secretary General Zwelinzima Vavi, a potential kingmaker and critic of what he calls a "predatory elite" among the political class, may be looking to garner support from unions in the federation to oppose Zuma's re-election, a senior union official said.

"Something like this (Marikana) is what Vavi and his followers were waiting for. It shows exactly what they were saying," the official said.

COSATU, with 2 million members and in a governing alliance with the ANC, has been a powerful vote gathering machine for the ruling party.

"Those who want to unseat Zuma could not ask for anything better," said a member of the ANC's national executive committee.

(Editing by Jon Herskovitz and Anna Willard)


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    Most Effective Email List Building Rules For Online Marketers ...


    There are some very important email list building rules that must be used in order to build what should be the most valuable asset of any online marketer?s business. Once you have built an email list that you have cultivated to the point where you are trusted by your members, where they feel a bond and will follow your recommendations then it really is possible to use such a list as a cash point.

    Yet to get to that position, you really have to be disciplined and ensure you are using every rule to your advantage. Also, an email list does not have to be large to be financially worthwhile. Some of the most profitable lists are the ones where there may only be a few thousand, or even a few hundred, but where the members stay for a long period and trust you implicitly.

    The first rule is to view your prospect and customer email lists as assets. This really is the best asset your online business can have, knowing that the list you have built now has a relationship with you and even feels that they must continue to rely on your for their information. Add in trust and it is a very attractive financial position to be in.

    It is so important to stay away from the sell, sell, sell type of online marketing. There is nothing worse than continually receiving email after email from online marketers who keep pushing the latest ?must have? secret or solution. They are not trying to build a relationship with their email list but all they are interested in is the sale. And the problem they encounter is that they must keep toping up their list with new prospects as there will be a high unsubscribe rate.

    The next rule is to use more than one list building source. Don?t ever rely on just one source of targeted traffic arriving on your opt in page. There are many ways to attract such traffic such as blog posts, online articles, press releases, audios, videos, comments left on group pages and forums plus also using social media in specific ways. Different parts of your target market will be located in different platforms around the internet so it is the information marketer?s job to go and hunt them down.

    When you generate traffic from many sources then you must continually test the results rather than say creating one landing page or sign up box and leave it there for ever more. You have to test different types including using different wording, images and placement on the page. It can sometimes come down to changing one word that makes the sign up rate skyrocket. And don?t neglect to track your results to find what set up is the most optimum for you.

    Following on from that, don?t ever buy email optin lists which are email addresses that are offered for sale. These lists are cold, don?t know who you are and are a waste of money. So just avoid them. Lastly, it really is advantageous to trial and see how social media can assist with your email list building. This can be very effective if used to raise your profile, generate a conversation and get those who have shown an interest in you to seek out further information. Just make sure you don?t use this platform for selling.

    So there are the six email list building rules to abide by to create for your online marketing business an ever expanding email list filled with prospects that want to receive more information from you and are interested in learning from you. These make the ideal customers though it does take time and effort to get to the stage where a recommendation from you will result in a whole load of sales.


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    Friday, August 24, 2012

    energy bulbs, energy saving light bulbs - Main Factors to Select ...

    energy bulbs, energy saving light bulbs - Main Factors to Select Energy Saving Light Bulbs for Energy Saving
    by Energy Light
    Send Feedback to Energy Light
    Request Reprint | Print | About Author | Report Problem | Tweet This Energy saving light bulbs uses less energy to produce light. These bulbs have brought about a revolution in the light bulb industry. This article discusses the three main factors attributing to selecting energy saving bulbs.

    Efficient Use Of Electricity

    Electricity is a scarce resource and requires to be used optimally. Energy saving light bulb use less electricity when it comes to wattage usage. The energy saving of these bulbs depend on how long it has been switched on and used before being switched off. These are designed to save energy when used for longer durations. They can save up to four times the energy used by the traditional bulbs. This further helps in bringing down your electricity bill and in turn save money. The traditional bulbs are been not phased out in many places to make a difference in the consumption of energy nationally. Using these bulbs in homes and offices would lead to significant drop in energy consumption nationally thus saving energy for tomorrow.

    Longer And Healthier Life

    These bulbs last longer than traditionally used bulbs. These bulbs are slightly costlier than the normal ones. But these electric lights save money it terms of not having to buy bulbs for a longer period. These bulbs are believed to last 10 times more than traditional ones. Different types of energy saving bulbs last for different time periods. These bulbs are recyclable which helps in bringing down the waste thrown in the environment. These bulbs assist you in having a greener life through less energy consumption and less pollution in the surroundings. Households and offices using these bulbs take a leap towards a greener planet. When the bulb burns out you can contact the nearest store or search for energy bulbs recycle locations over the internet and send your bulbs to be recycled. These bulbs also contribute to preventing global warming. They save greenhouse gas emissions which have harmful effects on the environment.

    Variety In Types And Uses

    There are a variety of models available in the category of bulbs saving energy. They come in different shapes and material each designed for a specific type of use both indoors and outdoors. The most commonly used are the spiral and ?A' shaped bulbs which produce the same amount of the light as the normal lights. Decorative fixtures and dimmable bulbs are also available which are used in interior decorations. These bulbs can be used in a number of places, like ceiling fixtures, floor or table lamps, outdoor covered or exposed fixtures etc. When buying lamps it is essential to ensure that they are compatible to these bulbs if you intend to use it. Depending on your requirements there is a wide range of energy saving bulbs to choose from.

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    Effective Strategies For Dealing With Your Credit Cards | Creative ...

    Credit card consumer advice is useful in this day and age. The article below discusses some of the best ways to use credit cards and avoid pitfalls. Many people who have credit cards do not have the knowledge needed to make wise choices. This can lead to big financial problems.

    Credit Report

    TIP! Knowing the newest laws that apply to credit cards is crucial. For example, no credit card company can impose a retroactive rate increase on you.

    Every year you should make sure to ask for a free credit report from each of the credit bureaus. Compare your statements to the debt on your credit report and make sure they match up.

    Consider credit cards which reward gas or grocery spending. A credit card with this type of program is a good choice to use for daily purchases. In fact, you can receive $60 or more back every month just for spending on your monthly needs! This cash-back can be saved up and then used to pay for a nice vacation at the end of the year. However, watch your balance, because interest rates can often negate any reward if the card is not paid off every month.

    Your credit rating is in real jeopardy if you pile up more credit card debt than you are capable of repaying. If your credit score goes down, it can affect a few different things, including the ability to find housing, get a car loan, your auto insurance premiums, and in some cases, your employability.

    TIP! Only if you regularly shop at a certain store should you think about applying for a store credit card. When you apply for store charge card, an inquiry is noted on your credit bureau report whether you are approved or not.

    While it might be tempting to use your credit card to pay for everything, when it comes to small purchases, it?s better to leave the plastic in your wallet. Stores often have a minimum purchase amount for credit, meaning you may find yourself looking for extra items to add to your purchase that you did not intend to buy. Only use credit for purchases of more than $10.

    Never spend more than can be repaid when you are using your credit cards. You can easily lose track of what you have put on the card if you do not commit to keeping track of the charges on a spreadsheet or notebook.

    Actual Due Date

    TIP! At all costs, avoid using a credit card to buy casino chips or take cash out of the ATM machine. Credit card providers will normally charge their customers large fees for cash advances and gambling transactions.

    Know the difference between an actual due date on your credit card bill, and what is called a suggested date. Credit card companies frequently use suggested dates, which are often up to two weeks earlier than the actual due date. It would be helpful to know what day your actual due date falls on so you can get all of the money together.

    Never be hesitant to ask request that your credit company increase the limit on your card. If a person has shown they are responsible, most creditors will be happy to increase their credit limit. A higher limit means you will have more financial power and the ability to be more flexible.

    Make sure you keep good records of the amount you are spending monthly using your credit card. Remember that incidental and impulse purchases add up quickly. If you do not pay close attention to the amount you have on a credit card, you could discover that you don?t have the amount of money you need in order to pay off your monthly bill.

    TIP! When you are able to obtain a credit card you can put your picture on, then do it. While there may be a pretty good sized fee involved in this type of personalization, it will cut down the chances that someone else will be able to use your credit card.

    If your card is lost or stolen, you need to notify your credit company as soon as you notice. The typical amount you are responsible for if a card is stolen is $50. Still, it is a good idea to get your credit card company involved as soon as possible. Then they can stop any unauthorized purchases immediately.

    As you are no doubt aware, it is all too easy to find yourself in over your head regarding credit cards. Having a couple of extra cards and making a few extra purchases can lead to real issues quickly. It is hoped that the advice in this article can help prevent credit card issues for you and help you remain financially healthy


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    High Risk Unsecured Personal Loans Get Monetary Freedom With ...

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    1888 Articles Home | Finance Articles | Online Business Articles Finance RSS High risk unsecured personal loans: Get monetary freedom with ease
    Volunteer abroad programs for teens by Zablon Mukuba
    Author: Christian Phelps Article Tools: High risk unsecured personal loans could be a great source of attaining suitable finance for meeting some essential personal desires effectively on time. The most efficient thing about these loans is that they provide you full freedom from pledging any your valuable assets as a security to the lender against the loan.

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    By seeking assistance of these loans you can obtain appropriate financial assistance in the range of ?1000 to ?25,000 in accordance to your financial standing, needs and ability to repay the loan. A good repayment term of 1 to 10 years will be provided to you.

    Under high risk personal loans, there is comparatively higher interest charges are involved. This is because these loans are offered for a short time and without any security deposit. At such time,abercrombie, online applying proves to be of great help. Online you can find plenty lenders with different loan quotes. By comparing these loan quotes carefully you will be able to fetch cost-effective loan deal with suitable terms and conditions.

    With the borrowed money you can wonderfully look after your many important personal requirements which just cannot be avoided. This may include consolidation of small debts,Chaussures Louboutin, meeting health or wedding expenses, arrangement of small holiday trip, buying a used car, home improvement etc.

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    Christian Phelps is a Masters in Accounting and Financial Management. He has been working with loan for self employed since his academics got over. To find cheap high risk personal loans, high risk personal signature loans, fast high risk personal loans, high risk personal loans online, high risk secured personal loans,louboutin shoes, guaranteed visit

    Article Source:

    High risk unsecured personal loans: Get monetary freedom with ease by Christian Phelps

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    About Author

    High risk unsecured personal loans supply adequate fiscal assistance to you in crisis time without asking for any security against the loan. The borrowed money allows you to fulfill certain important personal desires efficiently on time.
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    Thursday, August 23, 2012

    Revenue from property registrations goes down in Nellore

    Posted on Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012

    Revenue from property registrations has come down considerably in Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh. The dip in revenue is due to a slump in real estate activities in Nellore.

    The slump has been attributed to nearly Rs.500 crore stuck in circulation schemes. Moreover, investors are interested in buying gold and silver instead of land or buildings, because liquidity is being considered easier than land.

    While the target of the registration department in Nellore district for 2012-13 is Rs.47.80 crore up to July 2012, achievement is Rs.31.73 crore only. The realtors have also stated that the government?s recent directive to register agricultural land based on availability of pattadar passbooks is affecting transaction.

    To read more real estate news:

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    Tags: Andhra Pradesh, buying gold and silver, circulation schemes, Nellore, pattadar passbooks, Property registrations, Revenue collection, slump in real estate market


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    International Entertainment News: Live Music Tutor Will Hire ...

    Live Music Tutor Will Hire Thousands of Music Instructors

    ORLANDO, Fla., Aug. 22, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Live Music Tutor (LMT) will hire thousands of music instructors during the next 12 months as it launches its exciting new platform and proprietary technology. As many school systems across the country start up the new school year and continue to eliminate arts and music programs, LMT will hire thousands of music instructors who will provide classes for students around the world. Instructors will have the opportunity to teach individuals in one-on-one private lessons and/or teach multiple students in multiple locations simultaneously in a true virtual classroom.

    This unique platform will provide the flexibility for instructors to teach either full- or part-time in a dual-based curriculum geared for students interested in becoming professional musicians or just seeking to learn a song or two. LMT is hiring instructors for beginner, intermediate, advanced and expert level students. Each instructor will have a visual profile on the system and will go through a screening process that will help to validate his or her skill levels and ensure the safety of all LMT users.

    Students will be able to select the instructor of their choice based on age, musical genre and any instrument or voice. The students also will be able to choose any available time, day or night, and enjoy the lessons within the convenience of their homes. Students also will be able to earn points for lessons, practicing, and auditions via a program that will be similar to gaming consoles on the market today. This was developed to help to keep students interested by utilizing a familiar point system while they are becoming more proficient with their talents.

    "As we begin bringing instructors into the LMT family, I'm excited to see how they create new and interesting ways to utilize our proprietary technology that allows one-on-one interactions between an instructor and a student as well as allowing a single instructor to interact with a group of students, located anywhere in the world, simultaneously," says Richard Lamberty, head of Design and Engineering for LMT. "We will provide an experience that will provide the best video quality and sound for online music lessons available on the market today."

    LMT also will provide a social media platform in the site that enables all of our users, whether participating in our classroom or just enjoying an interest in music, to be involved with their friends.

    The LMT customer service team will answer frequently asked questions on how to access and utilize the system, help with scheduling of classes and work to ensure all users have memorable experiences.

    "At LMT a customer is the most important visitor. We are populating our site with qualified instructors who are passionate about teaching music and are eager to service our customers. I believe this will provide for a great customer experience. We will provide assistance for all of our students with our exciting new technology as we offer lessons for all ages from pre-K through active adults," says Antonia Bage, head of Customer Service for LMT.

    LMT is currently hiring, so if interested, send your resume to For more information about LMT go to, like on Facebook ( and follow on Twitter @lmtfeed.

    About Live Music Tutor, LLC
    Live Music Tutor provides a safe and secure venue of interactive web-based music instruction to individuals of all ages while eliminating the barriers of geography, affordability, time or the inconvenience of travel.

    SOURCE Live Music Tutor, LLC

    Live Music Tutor, LLC

    CONTACT: John Adams, +1-352-989-7117,

    Web Site:

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    Performing A 401k Gold Transfer | Online Shopping

    The way for utilizing a conventional 401k fund to purchase gold assets would be to complete a 401k gold transfer. Doing a transfer of the 401k into gold permits you to invest in gold and also other precious metals, even though you are not permitted to actually obtain the gold coins you buy. Your investments shall be safely kept in a safe and secure gold vault. You should also receive frequent information about your asset?s present market price. Like other forms of 401k, you can liquidate your gold investment at any time but this may also incur a fine.

    Transferring the conventional 401k into a 401k gold program does not liquidate the original investment. It simply enables you to begin purchasing and owning precious metals. Additionally, gold on the Individual Retirement Account is exempt from all taxes.

    The federal administration allows only specific types of gold to get kept as retirement assets within an IRA. You will not put gold bullion coins that you currently own in the rare metals IRA. You gold coin permitted for Individual Retirement Accounts is the US Eagle gold coin. Some other coins may also be used but must be no less than 99.5 percent fine.

    An additional requirement is that every coin be lawful tender. Because of these prerequisites the Australian Kangaroo or Australian Nugget, Canadian Maple Leaf, and the Austrian Philharmonic are on the accepted listing of bullion coins that could be held in an IRA program. Additionally, 99.5 percent gold bullion bars are likewise approved when they?ve been minted by approved mints, like the Credit Suisse gold or PAMP Suisse gold bars.

    Gold isn?t the only precious metal that?s accepted for IRAs. Palladium, platinum, and silver are likewise accepted assets. The IRA requirements for silver assets permit the US Eagle silver coins, as well as 99.9% silver coins like the Canadian Silver Maple Leafs, Mexican Libertads, and the Kookaburras of Australia. Silver bars minted by approved mints are accepted.

    Platinum is yet another acceptable precious metal that may be combined with your own IRA assets. The American Eagle bullion, Australian Koala, Isle of Man Cat, Isle of Man Noble, and the Maple Leaf of Canada are on the list of approved platinum coins. Platinum bars must be at least 99.95% in pureness and must also be minted by authorized mints.

    Last of all, palladium is also accepted for Individual Retirement Account investment. Palladium bullion must be at least 99.95 percent in purity and also should be fabricated by the authorized refineries.

    Remember that your financial safety can be on the line. It is essential to choose and hold the correct type of rare metal for your investment goals. A 401k gold program or a gold IRA could be suitable for you.

    This short article speaks about 401k gold rollovers. You may need professional advice in order to make this happen. If you want additional information, check out: Gold-401k.Net


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    Wednesday, August 22, 2012

    3 Strategies for Successful Real estate Marketing | Trade Finance ...

    Advertising commercial real estate qualities may seem like a tough task for a number of people, but did you know that you don?t need to find it difficult just to be capable of getting the most out of your own properties? There are tons of items that you can do, but a lot of people are unacquainted with it. Because of this , why there are several who are not receiving high earnings for their companies, and better return for their purchase Carlsbad real estate. Read on to be aware of three techniques that you can use to promote commercial qualities.

    Use the relationship of pros.

    If you genuinely wish to be successful when promoting your own commercial home, you need to be certain you have a professional with you. Not merely will they manage to easily find customers, but you may also have access to his or her existing system. This will help you find more potential customers who are enthusiastic about buying professional properties, rendering it even easier that you can capitalize on your investment. The only thing you will want to do is usually to make sure that you will certainly work with a reputable real estate agent as well as realtor to make certain that you are going to recover service.

    Make use of online advertising boards.

    Another marketing technique that is often used by real estate property professionals are online advertising boards. Aside from the present market regarding agents and also realtors, you can even use this platform to increase the amount of clients who are interested while using property you have Ventura real estate. Make sure that you will certainly describe the exact property that you have cautiously in order to reduce the time that you will be going to consider when responding to inquiries. This will likely also help you gather more clients, when you will be able to get to a wider range of target audience.

    Use tarpaulins and also signboards.

    The last thing you can do is to allow other people in your town know that the exact property is for purchase or for hire. You can do this by making use of tarpaulins and signs indicating your own contact amounts and the details that the purchaser needs when looking at your property. Of course this may not give you great results, attempting to promote your home in your area will sometimes help you find a purchaser who can give you better conditions and return for the purchase that you have created for the property.

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    Tuesday, August 21, 2012

    Teen Girl Lit House On Fire In Attempt To Kill Family: New Jersey Cops

  • "Young L.A. Girl Slain; Body Slashed in Two" -L.A.'s Daily News

    On January 15, 1947, the remains of Elizabeth Short, were found in a vacant lot in Los Angeles. What made this discovery the stuff of tabloid sensation, however, was the Glasgow smile left on the aspiring actress' face--made with 3-inch slashes on each side. This, coupled with Short's dark hair, fair complexion and reputation for sporting a dahlia in her hair, dubbed her "The Black Dahlia" in headlines. What followed was a media circus filled with rumors and speculation about the promiscuous 22-year-old's checkered past. What haunts theorists to this day, apart from the victim's uniquely nightmarish visage, is that the case remains unsolved after some 200 suspects were interviewed and ultimately released--making it one of Hollywood's most lurid legends.

  • "I Am Not Guilty - Thus Lizzie Borden Pleads Before Judge Hammond at New Bedford." -Boston Journal

    <em>"Lizzie Borden took an axe And gave her mother forty whacks. And when she saw what she had done, She gave her father forty-one."</em> So goes the lurid nursery rhyme to one of the most mystifying crimes of the century. The nature of the deaths of Andrew J. Borden and his wife, Abby, are trumped only by the identity of the alleged perpetrator: their daughter, Lizzie. Inexplicably found "not guilty" in contrast to the era's zeitgeist of swift justice, Lizzie's legacy--guilty or not--has become immortalized as one of the most perplexing cases of parricide in history.

  • "Texas Mother Charged with Killing Her 5 Children" -CNN

    In a case of mother-gone-mad that startled a nation, Andrea Yates, to her few friends and neighbors, was known as a mere recluse suffering from postpartum depression leading up to the birth of her fifth child. That all changed on June 20, 2001, when she snapped, drowning five of her children in their home's bathtub. She was convicted in 2002 of capital murder, carrying a sentence of life in prison with possible parole. As of July 2006, however, a Texas jury found her not guilty by reason of insanity.

  • "Buttafuoco Admits to Sex with Amy Fisher" -New York Times

    Known as the "Long Island Lolita," Fisher became involved with Joey Buttafuoco in May of 1991. Shortly after the two began a sexual relationship (she, 16, while he, 35, was married with two children), his presence and influence in her life became all she cared for. In what he's since denied to this day, Buttafuoco would go on to help an obsessive Fisher plan the murder of his wife, culminating in Fisher putting a bullet in Mary Jo Buttafuoco's head, but failing to kill her. In the highly publicized trial that ensued, Fisher accepted a plea deal for 15 years in prison in exchange for a testimony against Joey, who faced and served out charges of statutory rape.

  • "Murder of a Little Beauty" -People Magazine

    With a face that graced the covers of nearly every news and gossip rag during the winter of '96, it's hard to suggest the death of child beauty pageant queen JonBen?t Ramsey had little effect outside the city of Boulder, Colorado. Found dead from a blow to the head and strangulation in the family's basement, coupled with a ransom note left on the staircase asking for $118,00 (conveniently or coincidentally, nearly the same amount Mr. Ramsey received as a bonus that year), as well as no obvious signs of forced entry into the house, the evidence was overwhelmingly stacked against parents John and Patsy, who managed to maintain their innocence throughout the investigation. The case reopened in 2010, but critics cite poor handling of the crime scene as obstructing what remains a mystery regarding the events of that Christmas day.

  • "F.B.I. Joins Probe in Slaughter of 8 Nurses" -Nashua Telegraph

    Tattooed with "Born to Raise Hell" on his arm, Richard Speck made good on his mantra through a history of violence, theft, alcoholism, and spousal abuse, but made his infamy known to all when, on July 13, 1966, he walked into a dormitory armed with a knife. After leaving 8 student nurses dead in his wake, only one, Cora Amurao, was spared--hiding under a bed until 6 a.m. Speck was found guilty of murder and died of a heart attack in prison. As one of the most press-worthy crimes of the decade, the grim events were used most recently as the backdrop for an episode of <em>Mad Men</em>.

  • "Sharon Tate, Four Others Murdered" -Los Angeles Times

    Perhaps the most terrifying figure in American crime to have never actually killed anyone himself, Charles Manson founded a "family" of wayward individuals who hailed him as a prophet. So strong was his manipulation, he ordered, on the night of Aug. 8, 1969, four of his followers to kill everyone at the residence of 10050 Cielo Drive--including Roman Polanski's wife, Sharon Tate, and her unborn child. Tate was stabbed 16 times, and her blood was used to write "pig" on the house's front door. The next night, Manson accompanied six of his family to the residence of supermarket executive Leno LaBianca and his wife, only to help bind them before ordering their deaths. In 1971, Manson and three of his fellow defendants were found guilty of murder in the first-degree and several other crimes. At the time, it was the longest murder trial in American history, spanning nine and a half months, as well as the most expensive, estimating $1 million. Manson was denied parole for the 12th time in April 2012.

  • "Lindbergh Baby Kidnapped from Home of Parents on Farm Near Princeton; Taken from His Crib; Wide Search on" -The New York Times

    Used as the basis for an Agatha Christie novel (<em>Murder on the Orient Express</em>) and dubbed "the biggest story since the Resurrection" by famed journalist H.L. Mencken, the kidnapping and murder of aviator Charles Lindbergh's infant son continues to fascinate theorists today. Charles Jr. was discovered missing from his second-floor bedroom on March 1, 1932, along with a note demanding a then-unimaginable $50,000, igniting a media frenzy like no other. The tabloid pandemonium prompted many tips and leads, but none as concrete as a package containing the boy's pajamas and another message demanding the ransom. After some misdirection from the presumed kidnapper, Lindbergh's child was soon after discovered in the woods along a road near the family residence. Notwithstanding the evidence stockpiled against the easily vilified illegal German immigrant Bruno Hauptmann (who was sentenced), speculation prevails as to the true identity of the caper responsible in this tragic tale of one of America's greatest heroes.

  • "Not Guilty as Sin" -NY Post

    Still fresh in the minds of many and not to easily be forgotten, the trial of Casey Anthony turned Orlando, Florida into anything but the "happiest place on earth." Following a series of lies, misdirection and manipulation by then-22 year old Casey, Caylee's skeletal remains were found five months into the investigation, setting the stage for what could only be described as the most incessantly publicized and shocking trial in recent memory. The media had a field day that went on for months: Highlighting the young, pretty, party girl image used against her in court as the prosecution tore apart an aimless defense--or so it seemed. After resorting to throwing her family under the bus, incriminating people entirely made-up ("Zanny the Nanny"), and fabricating elaborate stories for the police, Casey was found not guilty of murder due to evidence deemed mostly circumstantial and not meeting the burden of "beyond reasonable doubt," inciting much debate regarding whether true justice was served.

  • "An American Tragedy" -TIME

    Known and heralded as the "trial of the century," former football star and actor O.J. Simpson found himself in the middle of the nation's biggest, most-televised trial following the deaths of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman, but not before fleeing an all-points bulletin in his Ford Bronco with 20 units in tow, interrupting game 5 of the NBA Finals. By enlisting a dream team including Johnnie Cochran, Robert Shapiro, and Robert Kardashian, the defense claimed Simpson was merely a victim of police fraud with regard to contaminated DNA evidence, while famously quipping "If it [the glove] doesn't fit, you must acquit." On October 3, 1995, an estimated 100 million people from around the world tuned in to watch the jury hand down a verdict of not guilty, consequently resulting in an estimated loss of $480 million in productivity and inciting an ongoing discussion of race in the judicial system that continues to this day.

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