Monday, November 28, 2011

Prince William helps rescue pair after ship sinks

Prince William joined a frantic rescue mission Sunday after a cargo ship sank in the Irish Sea, leaving several crew members missing.

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The second in line to the British throne, who is a Royal Air Force helicopter pilot and known professionally as Flight Lt. William Wales, was aboard an aircraft which rescued two crew members early on Sunday, after their vessel suffered a cracked hull in gale-force winds off the coast of north Wales.

Britain's ministry of defense said William had been co-pilot of the helicopter, which carried two people back to his base RAF Valley, on the Welsh island of Anglesey.

Authorities said five people remained missing after the 265-foot Swanland cargo ship, which had eight people on board, sent a mayday call at around 2 a.m. local time (9 p.m. ET).

'Challenging' conditions
Holyhead Coastguard said one body had been recovered from the sea, but that the fate of the other crew members was not yet known.

"We know that at least some of them are wearing immersion suits and have strobe lighting with them, however sea conditions are challenging at best," said Jim Green, a coastguard spokesman.

The Swanland was reportedly carrying 3,000 tons of limestone. Its crew members were believed to be Russian.

Video: Faraway duty calls for Prince William (on this page)

Rescue helicopters from RAF Valley and from Dublin coastguard base in Ireland were initially sent to the scene, about 20 miles? northwest of the Llyn peninsula in north Wales.

Helicopters from RAF Chivenor, in southwest England, and the Irish Coastguard are continuing to search for the missing crew, along with boats from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution.

"Two RNLI lifeboats, along with four search and rescue helicopters and two other commercial boats, are searching for the remaining six crew," the RNLI said in a statement.

Gale force winds battered the Irish Sea on Sunday and the coastguard said it is believed the poor condition could have caused the incident.

The Associated Press and staff contributed to this report.


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Gingrich wins NH backing as Romney plugs along

FILE - In this Nov. 22, 2011, file photo, Republican presidential candidate and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich speaks during the Republican presidential debate in Washington. Newt Gingrich landed editorial endorsement of NH Union Leader Sunday Nov. 27, 2011, 45 days before GOP primary. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

FILE - In this Nov. 22, 2011, file photo, Republican presidential candidate and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich speaks during the Republican presidential debate in Washington. Newt Gingrich landed editorial endorsement of NH Union Leader Sunday Nov. 27, 2011, 45 days before GOP primary. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

FILE - In this Nov. 19, 2011, file photo Republican presidential hopeful, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, right, greets a young supporter during a town hall event in Peterborough, N.H. Romney enjoys solid leads in New Hampshire polls and remains at the front of the pack nationally. A poll released last week showed him with 42 percent support among likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire. Gingrich followed with 15 percent in the WMUR-University of New Hampshire Granite State poll. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer, File)

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich landed the endorsement of New Hampshire's largest newspaper on Sunday while rival Mitt Romney earned a dismissive wave, potentially resetting the race in the state with the first-in-the-nation primary.

For Gingrich, the former House speaker, the backing builds on his recent rise in the polls and quick work to build a campaign after a disastrous start in the summer. Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who has a vacation home in the state and has been called a "nearly native son of New Hampshire," absorbed the blow heading into the Jan. 10 vote that's vital to his campaign strategy.

"We are in critical need of the innovative, forward-looking strategy and positive leadership that Gingrich has shown he is capable of providing," The New Hampshire Union Leader said in its front-page editorial, which was as much a promotion of Gingrich as a discreet rebuke of Romney.

"We don't back candidates based on popularity polls or big-shot backers. We look for conservatives of courage and conviction who are independent-minded, grounded in their core beliefs about this nation and its people, and best equipped for the job," the endorsement said.

The Union Leader's editorial telegraphed conservatives' concerns about Romney's shifts on crucial issues of abortion and gay rights were unlikely to fade. Those worries have led Romney to keep Iowa's Jan. 3 caucuses ? where conservatives hold great sway ? at arm's length.

At the same time, the endorsement boosts Gingrich's conservative credentials. He spent the week defending his immigration policies against accusations that they a form of amnesty. On Monday, Gingrich takes a campaign swing through South Carolina, the South's first primary state.

Even Democrats on Sunday were noting Gingrich's rise.

"He's clearly a smart guy," said Sen. Chuck Schumer, a Democrat from New York. "And look, I give him some credit for not just blowing with the winds on an issue like immigration. That showed some real courage."

Romney, taking a few days' break for the Thanksgiving holiday, has kept focused on a long-term strategy that doesn't lurch from one development to another. Last week, he picked up the backing of Sen. John Thune, a South Dakota conservative, to add to his impressive roster of supporters.

The Union Leader's rejection of Romney wasn't surprising despite his efforts to woo state leaders. The newspaper rejected Romney four years ago in favor of Arizona Sen. John McCain, using front-page columns and editorials to promote McCain and criticize Romney. In the time since, Romney courted publisher Joseph W. McQuaid. Earlier this year Romney and his wife, Ann, had dinner with the McQuaids at the Bedford Village Inn near Manchester, hoping to reset the relationship. It didn't prove enough.

Romney's advisers were quick to point out that Gingrich went into October with more than $1 million in campaign debt. Romney, meanwhile, was sitting on a pile of cash and only last week began running television ads ? a luxury Gingrich can't yet afford.

The duo's rivals, meanwhile, tried to gain traction.

Herman Cain on Sunday criticized any immigration proposal that included residency or citizenship but struggled to explain how he would deal with the millions of people estimated to be currently living illegally in the United States.

Cain, who joined the race to great fanfare, has seen his luster fade as his seemed to have trouble articulating the nuances of his policy positions. For instance, he was unable to explain the difference between "targeted identification," which he says would determine common characteristics of people who want to harm the United States, and racial profiling.

At the same time, Cain acknowledged that accusations that he sexually harassed several women during his days running the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s have pulled him from among the front-runners. He has flatly denied the allegations repeatedly.

"Well, obviously false accusations and confusion about some of my positions has contributed" to his fall in the polls, Cain said.

While Romney enjoys solid support in national polls, many Republicans have shifted from candidate to candidate in search of an alternative to Romney. That led to the rise ? and fall ? of potential challengers such as Cain, Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota and Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

Romney enjoys solid leads in New Hampshire polls, too. A poll released last week showed him with 42 percent support among likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire. Gingrich followed with 15 percent in the WMUR-University of New Hampshire Granite State poll.

Rep. Ron Paul of Texas posted 12 percent support and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman found 8 percent support in that survey.

Those numbers could shift based on the backing of The Union Leader, a newspaper that proudly works to influence elections, from school boards to the White House, in the politically savvy state.

Huntsman, President Barack Obama's former ambassador to China, said the endorsement points to how competitive the New Hampshire contest is.

"A month ago for Newt Gingrich to have been in the running to capture The (New Hampshire) Union Leader endorsement would have been unthinkable," Huntsman said in an interview Sunday during a break in campaigning. "I think it reflects, more than anything else, the fluidity, the unpredictability of the race right now."

The endorsement, signed by McQuaid, suggested that New Hampshire's only state-wide newspaper was ready to assert itself again as a player in the GOP primary ? even if the newspaper has reservations.

"We don't have to agree with them on every issue," McQuaid wrote in the editorial that ran the width of the front page. "We would rather back someone with whom we may sometimes disagree than one who tells us what he thinks we want to hear."

Yet with six weeks until the primary, The Union Leader's move could again shuffle the race, further boosting Gingrich and priving a steady stream of criticism against his rivals. In recent weeks, Gingrich has seen a surge in some polls as Republicans focus more closely on deciding which candidate they consider best positioned to take on Obama.

He has also started to put together a strong campaign organization.

In New Hampshire, he brought on respected tea party leader Andrew Hemingway and his team has been contacting almost 1,000 voters each day. Gingrich hasn't begun television advertising and has refused to go negative on his opponents.

The newspaper has a decidedly mixed record of picking candidates. It backed Steve Forbes in 2000 and Pat Buchanan's 1992 and 1996 bids. Neither candidate won the Republican nomination.

Gingrich, who left the House in 1999 under the cloud of an ethics investigation and after disastrous midterm elections for the GOP, has faced skepticism of his personal life. He married to his third wife and acknowledged infidelity during his first marriages.

Even so, voters are giving Gingrich a look ? and the timing appears to be ideal for him.

"Romney is a very play-it-safe candidate. He doesn't want to offend everybody or anybody," said Drew Cline, the op-ed editor of The Union Leader. "He wants to be liked. He wants to try to reach out and be very safe, reach out to everybody, bring everybody on board."

That isn't the brand of candidate The Union Leader was looking to back, he said.


Schumer was interviewed on NBC's "Meet the Press." Cain and Cline spoke with CNN's "State of the Union." Huntsman appeared on "Fox News Sunday."

Associated Press


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Occupy LA, Philly prepare for evictions

David Mcnew/Reuters

A man packs his personal belongings next to his tent Saturday in anticipation of a police raid to evict the Occupy LA encampment outside City Hall in Los Angeles. The deadline to vacate is 12:01 a.m. PST Monday.

By staff and wire reports

Anti-Wall Street protesters appear to be taking few steps to vacate their Occupy encampments in Philadelphia and Los Angeles despite fast-approaching deadlines to move out.

Few broke down tents at the Occupy LA spread Saturday on the City Hall lawn ? and most said they didn't intend to.

Protesters were abuzz with activity, but nearly all of it was aimed at how to deal with authorities come Monday's 12:01 a.m. PST deadline.

Some handed out signs mocked up to look like the city's notices to vacate, advertising a Monday morning "eviction block party."

Dozens attended a teach-in on resistance tactics, including how stay safe in the face of rubber bullets, tear gas canisters and pepper spray.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced on Friday that despite his sympathy for the protesters' cause, it was time for the camp of nearly 500 tents to leave for the sake of public health and safety.

The mayor said the movement is at a "crossroads," and it must "move from holding a particular patch of park to spreading the message of economic justice."

Resist or move?
Will Picard, who sat Saturday in a tent amid his artwork with a "notice of eviction" sign posted outside, said the main organizers and most occupiers he knows intend to stay.

"Their plan is to resist the closure of this encampment and if that means getting arrested so be it," Picard said. "I think they just want to make the police tear it down rather than tear it down themselves."

But some agreed with the mayor that the protest had run its course.

"I'm going," said Luke Hagerman, who sat looking sad and resigned in the tent he's stayed in for a month. "I wish we could have got more done."

Police gave few specifics about what tactics they would use for those who had no intention of leaving.

Chief Charlie Beck said at Friday's news conference that officers would definitely not be sweeping through the camp and arresting everyone just after midnight.

But in an interview with the Los Angeles Times on Sunday, Beck said that despite the lack of confrontations in the camp's two-month run, he was realistic about what must happen.

"I have no illusions that everybody is going to leave," Beck told the Times. "We anticipate that we will have to make arrests."

But he added, "We certainly will not be the first ones to apply force."

New focus in Philly
In Philadelphia, The New York Times reported, Saturday looked nothing like a moving day despite Mayor Michael A. Nutter?s notice that protesters must leave the steps of City Hall by 5 p.m. Sunday.

The mayor said they could move across the street to Thomas Paine Plaza, but no more tents or overnight stays, NBC Philadelphia reported.

?I'm not going to try to predict what?s going to happen on Sunday at 5 p.m,? Nutter said at a Friday interview.

Protesters told the Times that the deadline had focused the local movement?s otherwise disorganized energies.

?Having this kind of pressure is a good thing,? Michael Pierce, 50, a member of Occupy Philadelphia?s information working group, said. ?Without some of the struggles that the other cities have had, we?ve been sitting around, drinking coffee,? Mr. Pierce said. ?This is bringing us back together.?

Police have swept tent cities in Portland, Ore., Oakland, Calif., New York City, Denver and Salt Lake City.

In other developments Saturday:

  • Occupy Salem, Ore., organizers said they will take their protests to Marion Square Park for daytime demonstrations after being ordered to remove all tents, waste, portable toilets and other structures from Willson Park, near the state Capitol.
  • In New York, Occupy Wall Street organizers said they plan to outside the Egyptian Embassy on Tuesday in solidarity with protesters in Cairo?s Tahrir Square.
  • An 18-year-old University of South Dakota freshman reported missing earlier this week turned up in New York after authorities traced a credit card purchase for bus tickets to the Big Apple. Protester Aaron Schmidt met up with his father and uncle in New York after spending two nights on a cardboard in Zuccotti Park.


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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Harmonic Convergence for Newt (talking-points-memo)

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3 American students arrested in Cairo leave Egypt

FILE - In this Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011 file image from Egyptian state television, three American students are displayed to the camera by Egyptian authorities following their arrest during protests in Cairo, where an Egyptian official said they were throwing firebombs at security forces. A spokeswoman for the American University in Cairo identified the students as Luke Gates, a 21-year-old Indiana University student from Bloomington, Ind.; Derrik Sweeney, a 19-year-old Georgetown University student from Jefferson City, Mo.; and Gregory Porter, a 19 year-old Drexel University student from Glenside, Pa. An official says an Egyptian court has ordered release of 3 US students arrested during Cairo unrest.(AP Photo/ Egyptian TV, File)

FILE - In this Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011 file image from Egyptian state television, three American students are displayed to the camera by Egyptian authorities following their arrest during protests in Cairo, where an Egyptian official said they were throwing firebombs at security forces. A spokeswoman for the American University in Cairo identified the students as Luke Gates, a 21-year-old Indiana University student from Bloomington, Ind.; Derrik Sweeney, a 19-year-old Georgetown University student from Jefferson City, Mo.; and Gregory Porter, a 19 year-old Drexel University student from Glenside, Pa. An official says an Egyptian court has ordered release of 3 US students arrested during Cairo unrest.(AP Photo/ Egyptian TV, File)

(AP) ? Three American students arrested during a protest in Cairo caught flights out of Egypt early Saturday, according to an airport official and an attorney for one of the trio.

The three were arrested on the roof of a university building near Tahrir Square last Sunday. Officials accused them of throwing firebombs at security forces fighting with protesters. On Thursday, a court ordered them released. All three were studying at the American University in Cairo.

Luke Gates, 21, and Derrik Sweeney, 19, left the Egyptian capital Saturday on separate flights to Frankfurt, Germany, an airport official in Cairo said. Gregory Porter, 19, also left the country, his attorney said.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief reporters.

Attorney Theodore Simon, who represents Porter, a student at Drexel University in Philadelphia, said police escorted the three students to the Cairo airport Friday. Simon later said his client was on a flight.

"I am pleased and thankful to report that Gregory Porter is in the air. He has departed Egyptian airspace and is on his way home," Simon said, though he declined to say when Porter was expected back in the U.S.

Simon said he and Porter's mother both spoke by phone with the student, who is from the Philadelphia suburb of Glenside.

"He clearly conveyed to me ... that he was OK," Simon told The Associated Press.

Gates is a student at Indiana University. It wasn't clear when he was expected back in the U.S.

Joy Sweeney told the AP her son, a 19-year-old Georgetown University student from Jefferson City, Mo., would fly from Frankfurt to Washington, then on to St. Louis. She said family will meet him when he arrives late Saturday.

"I am ecstatic," Sweeney said Friday. "I can't wait for him to get home tomorrow night. I can't believe he's actually going to get on a plane. It is so wonderful."

Sweeney said she had talked with her son Friday afternoon and "he seemed jubilant."

"He thought he was going to be able to go back to his dorm room and get his stuff," she said. "We said, 'No, no, don't get your stuff, we just want you here.'"

The university will ship his belongings home, she said.

Sweeney had earlier said she did not prepare a Thanksgiving celebration this week because the idea seemed "absolutely irrelevant" while her son still was being held.

"I'm getting ready to head out and buy turkey and stuffing and all the good fixings so that we can make a good Thanksgiving dinner," she said Friday.


Associated Press writers Sandy Kozel in Washington; Kathy Matheson and Maryclaire Dale in Philadelphia; and Dana Fields in Kansas City, Mo., contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Saturday, November 26, 2011

95% Weekend

All Critics (65) | Top Critics (24) | Fresh (60) | Rotten (3)

It's a definitive example of naturalistic moviemaking -- you feel you're breathing the air that the characters are breathing.

Its final moments offer a vision of what a contemporary romance can achieve: an appreciative gasp of truth, a wet-eyed hope for more.

One of the truest, most beautiful movies ever made about two strangers.

If you've ever met someone who changed your life in the space of days, you'll relate to something in this movie.

The organ that "Weekend" is most concerned with isn't the one you might think, but the human heart.

In just a short period of time, a weekend hookup tests the boundaries each man has set for himself.

Deserves to find a place in the hearts of wistful romantics everywhere, no matter what their sexual preference.

It's splendidly played with an understated intensity that deftly captures the shifting emotional tone of the relationship.

Offers up the kind of subtle, truthful relationship drama that's all too rare in cinema.

There's a fresh, sweaty, honest, unpretentious air to it, and when they part, with Glen on his way to spend a year working in Portland, Oregon, we genuinely believe that something like love has come into their yearning lives.

Writer-director Andrew Haigh has a delicate, sensitive touch, and this is appealing as a simple peek into modern romance... but there's a sense of wishful thinking -- or even desperation -- that I suspect is not intended here.

There's a deceptive simplicity to British writer-director Andrew Haigh's poignant, fluent character study, which has already earned comparisons to Before Sunrise.

Haigh treats his subject matter with matter-of-fact realism. If this is a new voice on the British film scene, it's a refreshingly adult one.

It is a tender, humane film, with an easy, unforced cinematic language: a film that doesn't need to try too hard.

Haigh's film is written with a shrewd, unpretentious feel for the way young people behave when they're getting to know each other, shot with a keen eye for urban solitude, and completely nails its seemingly modest tasks...

Haigh, writing, directing and producing, drives through the meeting-cute introductions and the medium-molten sex scenes as if they were merely marks on the map, to follow the simple, complex arc of an evolving love affair.

Impressively directed and superbly written, this is an emotionally engaging and strikingly naturalistic romantic drama with terrific central performances from newcomers Tom Cullen and Chris New.

A remarkable film that signals an exciting new voice in the LGBT landscape.

Sexy, provocative, engrossing and occasionally ornery, it should appeal to anyone whose curiosity about someone new has provoked them to question their own identity.

Terrific low-key turns from the two leads inject their growing bond with genuine emotion, making this a love story that will get under the skin of romantics everywhere.

Cullen and New are British stage actors with little background in film. Haigh's only previous film was a documentary. Perhaps because they don't feel bound by a set of rules, they've created one of the year's most enjoyable surprises.

Weekend is the year's wittiest hymn to romance.

Weekend might be a small film recounting an intimate relationship, but it speaks to the grandest of ideas.

More Critic Reviews

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Black Friday 'flash mobs,' sit-ins urged

(AP Photo/Don Ryan)

A sign stands at one of several entrances to the Occupy Portland camp in Portland, Ore., Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2011.

By Miranda Leitsinger, Senior Writer and Editor,

Looking for an alternative to frenzied shopping malls and packed commercial districts on Black Friday?

A few outfits are calling for some anti-consumer?actions on?one of the busiest shopping days of the year.

One is from Adbusters, the Canadian magazine that launched the initial call for people to Occupy Wall Street.

This time, their mission is to shut down Black Friday shopping in what they?re calling a ?Buy Nothing Day.?

It?s not the first one ? this is the 20th Buy Nothing Day?? but it is the first since??Occupy? camps sprang up across the globe, starting with the flagship one in New York City on Sept. 17.

?Historically, Buy Nothing Day has been about fasting from hyper consumerism -? a break from the cash register and reflecting on how dependent we really are on conspicuous consumption. On this 20th anniversary of Buy Nothing Day, we take it to the next level, marrying it with the message of #occupy?We #OCCUPYXMAS,? the not-for-profit publication wrote on its blog.

Adbusters proposes putting "the brakes on rabid consumerism"?through??flash mobs, consumer fasts, mall sit-ins, community events" and other?attention-getting or disruptive activities. "We don?t camp on the sidewalk for a reduced price tag on a flat screen TV or psycho-killer video game," it said. "Instead, we occupy the very paradigm that is fueling our eco, social and political decline.?

Responses to the call were mixed.

One tweeter, Penney K. Dollar, who identified herself as an entrepreneur living in Las Vegas, wrote: ?Dear #occupyxmas please amend that to only shop locally owned/run businesses. We struggle enough as it is.?

Another tweeter, Jennifer Taveras opined: ?Crazy proposal for Americans who wait for Black Friday shopping #OCCUPYXMAS ? :/?

Retailers looking for holiday shoppers to defy economy

But others embraced?the call: ?It's time for a new kind of #holiday season... #occupyxmas,? suggested @WeOccupyNOW. Simone di Castri (@ludicastri) quipped: ?lets take the opportunity to hit the empire where it really hurts ? the wallet.?

Another anti-shopping effort being touted is Stop Black Friday.

?Hit the 1% where it hurts -- in their wallet. They will listen quite closely then,? a statement on the site reads, providing a list of ?large chain stores? and ?publicly traded retail? it recommends that consumers boycott. ?If you must spend, spend locally.?

It also notes: ?Occupy Black Friday will not stop the magic of the holiday season for you or your families. You will still be able to get the things that you need to get in plenty of time to give them to the people that you love.?

Occupy Wall Street was arranging its own anti-Black Friday event, with what it called a day of non-action, "Don't Occupy Walmart."

Describing?the company as "one of the worst offenders on Main Street today," organizers said they supported Walmart employees but not practices it deemed as perpetuating "an unsustainable system that undercuts its own workers and crowds out business competition unfairly."

"We ask on this day that all Occupations, and all those who stand with the 99% in solidarity, refrain from purchasing anything from WalMart on Black Friday this year ...?on this day we ask quite simply: Just. Don't. Go."

Do you plan to shop on Black Friday? Leave a comment below.




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Marin Alliance For Medical Marijuana, California's Oldest Dispensary, Faces Foreclosure

This article comes to us courtesy of SF Weekly's The Snitch.

By Chris Roberts

The choice offered by the Justice Department was clear: Select California medical cannabis dispensaries needed to close up shop or have their properties seized and operators thrown in prison.

This was the ultimatum issued in September by United States Attorney for Northern California Melinda Haag to the landlords of five Bay Area dispensaries. In response, three dispensaries in San Francisco closed, and one in Oakland relocated.

The landlord of the fifth, Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana, did what he could do as prescribed under California law: He began eviction proceedings against the dispensary, the state's oldest.

But that was not enough for Haag, whose office on Friday began forfeiture proceedings against the 600-square-foot Fairfax storefront, attorneys said Tuesday, even as eviction hearings were scheduled for this week.

"The landlord has complied [with the letter] and begun eviction proceedings -- this is just intimidation to go through with the forfeiture," dispensary operator Lynette Shaw said.

Shaw did not identify exactly who owns the property at 6 School Street Plaza, targeted by Haag because of its proximity to Bolinas Park.

Fairfax-based attorney Robert Weems, representing the landlord in court, did not return a telephone call seeking comment. And Jack Gillund, a spokesman for the Department of Justice, did not respond to an e-mail seeking comment.

The forfeiture proceedings are believed to be the first in California since the four U.S. Attorneys announced a statewide crackdown on the medical marijuana industry on Oct. 7, according to San Francisco attorney Matt Kumin, who is representing Shaw in a lawsuit filed against Haag. The lawsuit seeks a restraining order on the Justice Department's closing of dispensaries, and argues that the federal government gave the okay to medical cannabis in California in a 2010 settlement of a lawsuit brought by a Santa Cruz collective.

Marin Alliance is California's oldest continuously operating dispensary, located in Fairfax since 1996. Shaw, a medical cannabis patient who is not accused of breaking any state or local laws, is drawing sympathy in the town, where the council and mayor passed a resolution in support of her dispensary.

"The whole town [of Fairfax] is up in arms," said attorney Greg Anton, Shaw's longtime attorney.

In the past, federal officials have said that only dispensaries breaking local law would be targeted for enforcement.

"For them to choose her to make an example of really goes against all they've said they're trying to do," Anton said. "It's like saying, 'We don't want to hurt the people in the house, but we'll burn the house down.'"

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Finance ministry against 'undue' forex mkt intervention - source (Reuters)

NEW DELHI (Reuters) ? The finance ministry is not in favour of any "undue" intervention by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in the forex market to prop up the rupee, a senior finance ministry source told Reuters on Wednesday, a day after the local currency hit a record low against the U.S. dollar.

Economic growth in second quarter could be slightly less than 7 percent, the source said, adding that growth could pick up in the third and fourth quarter and end the fiscal year at around 7.75 percent.

The government will release official figures of GDP for the second quarter ending September next week.

The rupee on Tuesday slid to an all-time low of 52.73 against the U.S. dollar as foreign investors continued to pare their exposure to Asia's third-largest economy on lingering global uncertainty and mounting worries over the domestic economy.

The rupee has lost 14 percent of its value in 2011 to be the worst performing currency in Asia.

"We are not in favour of undue interventions by the Reserve Bank except to check volatility, because of macro-economic implications for the next year," the source, who declined to be named, said.

"The rupee is depreciating mainly because of external reasons which are outside our control."

The partially convertible currency, however, bounced back more than 1 percent on Wednesday after suspected central bank intervention.

The comments endorse the stand taken by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), which has always maintained that it does not protect any particular level of the rupee and would only intervene to iron out excessive volatility.

The Reserve Bank of India operates independently on monetary issues but often consults the government on important policy moves.

"We expect the rupee to remain around 50 for next three months," the source said.

"It should firm up to around 45 over a period of 5-6 months...if the situation in the euro zone does not deteriorate."

Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Tuesday also blamed the fall in the rupee on the international market and said that central bank intervention would have a limited effect.

Subir Gokarn, a deputy governor at the central bank, had said last week the RBI would be careful about using foreign exchange reserves aggressively to protect the rupee's depreciation.

At 11:30 a.m. (0600 GMT), the rupee was trading at 52.02/03, 0.5 percent stronger than 52.2950/3050 at close on Tuesday.

Foreign funds have sold more than $500 million worth of shares over five trading sessions till Monday, reducing the net inflows in 2011 to under $300 million, sharply below record investments of more than $29 billion seen in 2010.

The official said New Delhi is taking measures to revive business sentiments and attract capital inflows.

The government has already raised ownership limits on government and corporate bonds and is considering allowing international retail investors direct access to Indian stocks, which have slumped about 22 percent so far this year.

It is also considering allowing foreign direct investment in the country's struggling domestic airlines.

(Reporting by Manoj Kumar; editing by Malini Menon)


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EPA Agrees to Consider Fracking Chemical Disclosure Rules (ContributorNetwork)

According to Bloomberg Businessweek, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it has accepted an environmental petition and will now weigh rules related to requiring companies to disclose the types of chemicals they use in hydraulic-fracturing, more commonly known as "fracking."

The EPA's decision comes after the environmental advocacy group Earthjustice filed a petition stating that natural gas drilling companies like Halliburton Co. and Schlumberger Ltd. should reveal what substances they use in their fracking processes. Fracking has become controversial over the possibility that it is contaminating drinking water supplies. Here are some facts about fracking and the controversy surrounding it:

* In areas like Pennsylvania, pockets of natural gas lie captured between layers of shale, which need to be broken in order to tap the resource, according to BBC.

* Water, sand, and chemicals are often injected into the rock layers at a high pressure and by drilling either vertically or horizontally.

* Where is fracking becomes especially problematic and controversial is how the used water and chemicals are disposed off, reported the Huffington Post.

* In Pennsylvania, the waste liquid is only partially treated for environmentally-harmful substances at water treatment plants that are generally not capable of removing all chemicals of concern.

* The partially-treated waste is then discharged into waterways, some of which are sources for drinking water, and initially state officials and energy companies insisted it didn't pose a threat to public health.

* NPR noted that a Penn State report indicated that after monitoring 200 drinking water wells they could not find a statistically significant link between shale gas drilling and methane contamination.

* However, researchers did find higher levels of bromide in private drinking water wells in the area but this was connected to drilling and not fracking.

* In early November, the EPA announced that it would begin probing the impact of fracking on drinking water supplies, according to Yahoo! News.

* Specifically, EPA investigators will try to determine the impact of large-scale water withdrawals as part of fracking on water quality in states where there has been a natural gas boom.

* An article from NBC New York reported that just a few days ago hundreds of environmentalists and homeowners in New Jersey showed up to protest natural gas exploration and development in the Delaware River Basin.

* Despite criticism, the natural gas industry has continued to emphasize the economic benefits of fracking, including creating tens of thousands of jobs for residents and lower prices for natural gas, often used to produce energy and heat in homes.

Rachel Bogart provides an in-depth look at current environmental issues and local Chicago news stories. As a college student from the Chicago suburbs pursuing two science degrees, she applies her knowledge and passion to both topics to garner further public awareness.


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Toy safety report find some dangers (AP)

WASHINGTON ? Shoppers awaiting this week's traditional kick-off of the holiday shopping season should find plenty of safe toys for children, but consumer advocates say some dangers still lurk.

A report released Tuesday from the U.S. Public Interest Research Group found just over a dozen toys on store shelves that violate federal safety standards for lead and chemicals called phthalates or could present a choking hazard to small children. The toys deemed potentially dangerous included a whirly wheel, a plastic book for babies, a wooden blocks set and a Sesame Street Oscar doll.

PIRG also warned about toys that are too loud and could lead to hearing damage as well as balloons, which cause more choking deaths than any other children's product. About 40 percent of the choking fatalities reported to the government between 1990 and 2010 involved balloons.

The toy industry downplayed the report and pointed to government figures showing sharp declines in national toy recalls.

"All eyes have been on toy safety for several years now," says Joan Lawrence, the Toy Industry Association's vice president for toy safety standards. "I am confident that the toys on store shelves are safe. The toy industry works year-round on this."

Government figures show a continued decline in toy recalls, with 34 in fiscal year 2011 ? down from 46 recalls the previous year; 50 in 2009 and 172 in 2008.

Recalls related to lead were down from 19 in 2008 to just 4 this past year.

PIRG credited a 2008 law that set stronger standards for children's products ? including strict limits on lead ? for helping to make many of the products on store shelves safer for youngsters. The law was passed in the wake of a wave of recalls of lead-tainted toys.

PIRG tested toys and other children's products from major retailers and dollar stores for its 26th annual "Trouble in Toyland" report.


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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Police probe of Syracuse assistant to take weeks (AP)

SYRACUSE, N.Y. ? Syracuse Police said Monday it will take several weeks to investigate allegations by two former ball boys who said they were molested more than 25 years ago by a Syracuse University assistant basketball coach.

Onondaga County District Attorney William Fitzpatrick's office also is investigating the allegations lodged against Bernie Fine. Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner said police will not release information on the investigation "in piecemeal fashion."

Fine has been placed on paid administrative leave by the university. In his 36th season as an assistant to Hall of Fame coach Jim Boeheim, Fine has called the charges "patently false," asked for a quick review, and expressed confidence he would be vindicated.

Bobby Davis, now 39, told ESPN that Fine molested him beginning in 1984 and that sexual contact continued until he was around 27. A ball boy for six years, Davis said in a report that aired last Thursday that the abuse occurred at Fine's home, at Syracuse basketball facilities and on team road trips, including the 1987 Final Four, when the Orange lost to Indiana in the national championship game.

Davis' stepbrother, Mike Lang, 45, who also was a Syracuse ball boy, told ESPN that Fine molested him starting when he was in fifth or sixth grade.

Neither Davis nor Lang were available for comment despite repeated efforts by The Associated Press to reach them.

Davis previously reported his allegations to Syracuse police in 2002 and to the university in 2005. Police declined to pursue the case because the statute of limitations had expired, and the university could not corroborate his claims during a four-month investigation.

Davis had said interviews with four other people would support his allegations, but all denied any knowledge of wrongful conduct by Fine, according to the university.

After fifth-ranked Syracuse beat Colgate on Saturday, Boeheim steadfastly defended Fine.

"I've been friends for 50 years with coach Fine, and that buys a lot of loyalty from me," Boeheim said. "It should."

Students were mostly gone from campus on Monday ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday. A handful of protesters gathered near the main entrance and called for the elimination of the state's statute of limitations in child sex abuse cases.

"It's time to stop hiding behind the statute of limitations," said Richard Tollner of the New York Coalition to Protect Children. "Children must have a voice."

Prosecutions in New York state for felony sex abuse of a child have to begin within five years after authorities learn about it, or within five years after a child turns 18.

Paul DerOhannesian, defense attorney and former Albany County prosecutor, said the five-year statute of limitations has clearly passed for any alleged crimes in this case if they took place in New York. Any out-of-state incidents during basketball road trips would be subject to the laws of those states, which might not have the same limits, he said.

DerOhannesian said the prosecutor also can bring information and witnesses before a grand jury to do a fact-finding report and recommend changes in the law.


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George W. Bush to raise cancer awareness in Africa (AP)

DALLAS ? Former President George W. Bush will travel to Africa next month to raise awareness about cervical and breast cancer, an effort he calls a "natural extension" of a program launched during his presidency that helps fight AIDS on the continent.

Bush, former first lady Laura Bush and officials with the George W. Bush Institute are heading to Tanzania, Zambia and Ethiopia from Dec. 1 through Dec. 5, where they'll visit clinics and meet with governmental and health care leaders.

"We believe it's in our nation's interest to deal with disease and set priorities and save lives," Bush told The Associated Press.

In 2003, Bush launched the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, or PEPFAR, to expand AIDS prevention, treatment and support programs in countries hit hard by the epidemic.

The new program, called the Pink Ribbon Red Ribbon initiative, seeks to expand the availability of cervical cancer screening and treatment and breast care education in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America.

Bush said existing AIDS clinics will be used to screen and treat cervical cancer, which is four to five times more common among those living with HIV than those who don't have the virus. Last year, 3.2 million people received antiretroviral treatments as a result of PEPFAR.

The initiative is a partnership that includes the Bush Institute, PEPFAR, Susan G. Komen for the Cure and the United Nations' program on HIV and AIDS. Its goals include reducing cervical cancer deaths by 25 percent in five years among women screened and treated through the initiative.

"We want to show what works and hopefully others across the continent of Africa will join us,'" Bush said.

Dr. Eric G. Bing, director of global health at the Bush Institute, said it's often more difficult for African women to reveal they have cancer of the reproductive organs than to reveal they have HIV. There are more support groups and treatment available for HIV than cancer, he said.

"There's silence around cancer for many of these communities and in many of these nations. And that's one of the things that we hope to change," Bing said.

Bush moved to Dallas after leaving office in 2009. The George W. Bush Presidential Center, which is set to be completed in 2013 on the campus of Southern Methodist University, will include his presidential library and the already-operating policy institute. Besides global health, the institute focuses on education reform, human freedom and economic growth.

Bush said he and the former first lady will be "pouring our hearts" into the Bush presidential center as it grows.

"This is where we will spend the rest of our lives in the sense of being involved with public policy," Bush said.


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New research on body parts' sensitivity to environmental changes

ScienceDaily (Nov. 21, 2011) ? Research by a team of Michigan State University scientists has shed new light on why some body parts are more sensitive to environmental change than others, work that could someday lead to better ways of treating a variety of diseases, including type 2 diabetes.

The research, led by assistant zoology professor Alexander Shingleton, is detailed in the recent issue of the PLoS Genetics.

In particular, Shingleton is studying the genetics of fruit flies and zeroing in on why some of the insects' body parts will grow to full size even when suffering from malnutrition, while others will not. He uses fruit flies because they use the same genes to control this process as humans.

"The developmental mechanisms by which these changes in body proportion are regulated are really unknown," Shingleton said.

Shingleton said that in humans, a person's brain will grow to near full size despite malnutrition or other environmental, or nongenetic, problems.

If scientists can figure out why some organs or body parts are either overly sensitive or insensitive to environmental factors, then it's possible that therapies could be developed to deal with any number of maladies.

"If we know how we can control sensitivity to environmental issues such as malnutrition, we can, in principle, manipulate genes that are regulating that sensitivity," Shingleton said. "Genes can be activated so they can actually restore sensitivity."

Type 2 diabetes is a good example of the body's insensitivity to nongenetic issues. The most common form of diabetes, type 2, occurs when the body becomes insensitive to insulin, which is released in response to blood sugar levels. The body needs insulin to be able to use glucose for energy.

"In diabetes, that response is suppressed," Shingleton said. "We get desensitization. We know people become insulin resistant, but we're not quite sure why."

What Shingleton and colleagues discovered is that even when malnourished, the genitals of a male fruit fly continue to grow to normal size.

"The same developmental mechanism that a fly uses to make its genitals insensitive to changes in nutrition may be the same that we as humans use to modulate the responsiveness of individual body parts to changes in nutrition," he said. "Our job is to try to understand why some body parts are responsive to changes in nutrition and others aren't."

Using the fruit fly for this type of research "gives us enormous information about how we as humans work and how we respond to our environment," Shingleton said. "This provides information on biomedical issues that arise from things like malnutrition or insulin resistance."

Shingleton's research is funded by the National Science Foundation and MSU's Bio/computational and Evolution in Action Consortium, or BEACON.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Michigan State University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Hui Yuan Tang, Martha S. B. Smith-Caldas, Michael V. Driscoll, Samy Salhadar, Alexander W. Shingleton. FOXO Regulates Organ-Specific Phenotypic Plasticity In Drosophila. PLoS Genetics, 2011; 7 (11): e1002373 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1002373

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Video: NYC terror suspect was prepared to act

BRIAN WILLIAMS, anchor: Here in New York City a man the NYPD is calling an al-Qaeda sympathizer is behind bars. Twenty-seven -year old Jose Pimentel was arrested in his apartment over the weekend, accused of plotting to blow up police cars, post offices, attack US troops returning from war. Police say he was almost finished building bombs out of cheap materials he bought at Home Depot , among other places. NYPD had him under surveillance for over a year. But tonight there are some questions why the feds, including the FBI , chose not to get involved in this case that the NYPD insists was a serious threat.


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Samsung And T-Mobile To Launch A White Galaxy S II By The Holidays

White Galaxy S2 3I've always been something of a fan (a proponent, even) of white phones. Back in another life when I was consulting mobile manufacturers on their phone designs, it was always one of the first questions I'd ask: "This is great! Can you make it in white?" Back then, everybody acted like I was crazy. "White is too hard to keep clean!" they'd assure me. "The white bezel makes the black screen look smaller!" they'd say. These days, of course, white phones are all the rage. Sometime before the holidays, another flagship phone is now set to hop on the big list of handsets with snowy variants: the Samsung Galaxy S II.


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If you like seeing guys shred on boogie-boards, this video is not for you. If, on the other hand, you like seeing guys in wigs get absolutely pounded by some raw ocean energy, click play. Tee hee. More »


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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Protesters reject concessions by Egypt's military

Egyptians carry a body of a protester was killed in clashes with the Egyptian riot police during his funeral at Tahrir square in Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011.Egypt's civilian Cabinet has offered to resign after three days of violent clashes in many cities between demonstrators and security forces, but the action failed to satisfy protesters deeply frustrated with the new military rulers. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

Egyptians carry a body of a protester was killed in clashes with the Egyptian riot police during his funeral at Tahrir square in Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011.Egypt's civilian Cabinet has offered to resign after three days of violent clashes in many cities between demonstrators and security forces, but the action failed to satisfy protesters deeply frustrated with the new military rulers. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

Protesters carry a wounded man during clashes with the Egyptian riot police near Tahrir square in Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011.Egypt's civilian Cabinet has offered to resign after three days of violent clashes in many cities between demonstrators and security forces, but the action failed to satisfy protesters deeply frustrated with the new military rulers. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

Protesters run for cover during clashes with the Egyptian riot police near Tahrir square in Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011. Egypt's civilian Cabinet has offered to resign after three days of violent clashes in many cities between demonstrators and security forces, but the action failed to satisfy protesters deeply frustrated with the new military rulers. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

Protesters carry a man wounded during clashes with Egyptian riot police in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, Nov. 21, 2011. Egypt's army-appointed government handed in its resignation Monday, trying to stem a spiraling crisis as thousands of protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square clashed for the third straight day with security forces in violence that has killed dozens of people and posed the most sustained challenge yet to the rule of the military. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

A protester throws stones during clashes with the Egyptian riot police near Tahrir square in Cairo, Egypt, Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2011. Egypt's civilian Cabinet has offered to resign after three days of violent clashes in many cities between demonstrators and security forces, but the action failed to satisfy protesters deeply frustrated with the new military rulers. (AP Photo/Khalil Hamra)

CAIRO (AP) ? Egypt's military ruler promised Tuesday to speed up a presidential election to the first half of 2012 and said the armed forces were prepared to hold a referendum on immediately shifting power to civilians ? concessions swiftly rejected by tens of thousands of protesters in Tahrir Square, who chanted, "Leave! Leave!"

The latest standoff plunged the country deeper into crisis less than a week before parliamentary elections, the first since the ouster nine months ago of longtime authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak.

In a televised address to the nation, Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi rejected all criticism of the military's handling of the transitional period and sought to cast himself and the generals on the military council he heads as the nation's foremost patriots. Significantly, he made no mention of the throngs of protesters gathered in Tahrir Square to demand that he step down immediately in favor of an interim civilian council.

Tantawi spoke as protesters fought army soldiers and police for a fourth day in streets leading to the iconic square that was the birthplace of Egypt's uprising, particularly near the heavily fortified Interior Ministry, which is in charge of police. Nearly 30 people have been killed in the violence, mostly in Cairo, and at least 2,000 have been wounded.

"Our demands are clear," said Khaled El-Sayed, a protester from the Youth Revolution Coalition and a candidate in the Nov. 28 parliamentary election. "We want the military council to step down and hand over authority to a national salvation government with full authority."

The military previously floated the end of next year or early 2013 as the likely dates for the presidential election, which is widely being seen as the last stop in the process of transferring power. But Tantawi did not mention a specific date for the vote or when the military would return to its barracks.

Furthermore, his offer for the military to step down immediately if the people so wished in a referendum was vague at best, but it also mirrored the generals' aversion to the youth groups that engineered the 18-day uprising that ousted Mubarak and which are again behind the massive, anti-military protest in Tahrir Square.

His referendum proposal suggests that Tantawi has no faith that the crowds in the streets of Cairo and other cities represent of the nation's will.

The Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt's strongest and best organized group, is not taking part in the ongoing protests in a move that is widely interpreted to be a reflection of its desire not to do anything that could derail a parliamentary election it is sure to dominate.

The Brotherhood and the military have long been suspected of having a secret rapport although both sides vehemently deny it. If a referendum is held, the Brotherhood has the resources to influence the balloting by its ability to mobilize supporters and, for the right price, portray a vote favorable to the military as the duty of Muslims.

Belal Fadl, a prominent columnist who has grown increasingly critical of the military after initially supporting it, said the solution for Egypt is to hold a presidential election immediately.

"The referendum proposed by the field marshal would have worked if there was no revolution, and no hundreds of thousands in the streets, and tens of dead and thousands of wounded. Fear God for the sake of Egypt," he wrote on his Twitter account. "I had hoped Tantawi's speech would be reconciliatory and consensual. But he chose a defiant speech."

Tantawi's address also bore a striking resemblance to Mubarak's televised speeches during the uprising, when the ousted leader made one concession after another ? only to be rejected by protesters as too little, too late. Mubarak said he made many sacrifices for Egypt, that he never cherished power and that he was hurt by the criticism from demonstrators.

On Tuesday, Tantawi rejected what he called attempts to taint the reputation of the armed forces.

"We have no aspiration to rule. ... The armed forces reject totally these attempts that target the military," a grim-looking Tantawi said.

The former defense minister under Mubarak said the criticism of the military council was meant to weaken the armed forces and "bring down the Egyptian state."

"The armed forces, represented by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, has no desire to rule and puts the country's interests above all," he said. "It is ready to hand over responsibility immediately and return to its original duty of defending the country if the people want that, and through a public referendum if it is necessary."

Repeating a charge often made by fellow generals on the military council, Tantawi accused "forces working in the dark" of inciting sedition and driving a wedge between the people and the armed forces.

As with Mubarak, Tantawi's words fell on deaf ears in Tahrir Square.

"We are getting deja vu of Mubarak. It was a terrible speech and it means nothing. We aren't leaving until the military council steps down," said protester Nevine Abu Gheit, 29.

Referring to Tantawi, the crowd chanted: "We are not leaving. He leaves."

"The people want to bring down the field marshal," they shouted in scenes starkly familiar to the days in January and February that led to Mubarak's ouster.

"What does he exactly mean by a referendum?" asked one protester, 50-year-old lawyer Hossam Mohsen. "We have already held a referendum by being here in the square. Egypt is right here."

As Tantawi spoke, protesters and police continued their street battles in the longest uninterrupted spate of violence since the uprising. Tantawi said he and the military council regretted the loss of life, but he fell short of offering an apology for the part the army and the police played in the clashes.

Rights groups said the excessive use of force by the security forces was responsible for the high number of dead and wounded.

"We condemn the excessive force used by police," U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said in Washington. "We strongly urge the Egyptian government to exercise maximum restraint, discipline its forces and protect the universal rights of all Egyptians to peacefully express themselves."

The massive crowd in the square did not begin to thin out until late Tuesday night. Unlike similar gatherings in January, there were no podiums or speakers but rather a large number of people chanting slogans and milling around the massive plaza waving Egypt's red, white and black flag.

A stuffed military uniform was hung from a central light pole with a cardboard sign on its neck saying "Execute the field marshal." People cheered when the effigy went up and state TV showed some hitting it with sticks.

The protesters formed a corridor in the middle of the crowds with a human chain, allowing easy access to motorcycles and ambulances ferrying the wounded to several nearby field hospitals.

The latest unrest began Saturday when security forces violently evicted a few hundred protesters who had camped in Tahrir. The perceived use of excessive force angered activists, who began to flock to the scene. A joint army and police attempt to clear the square failed Sunday evening, leaving protesters more determined to dig in.

The clashes played out amid charges that the military was trying to cling to power even after the election of new parliament and president. The military recently proposed that a "guardianship" role for itself be enshrined in the next constitution and that it would enjoy immunity from any civilian oversight.

Further confusing the political situation, the military-backed civilian government on Monday submitted a mass resignation in response to the turmoil. Tantawi said he has accepted the resignation.

The political uncertainty and prospect of continued violence dealt a punishing blow to an already battered economy. Egypt's benchmark index plunged more than 5 percent, the third straight day of declines. Banks closed early and many workplaces sent employees home early for fear of deteriorating security.

A youth group that played a key role in the anti-Mubarak uprising said it decided to stay in the square until the military handed over power to a civilian presidential council. The April 6 group said that besides a representative of the military, the council should include pro-reform leader and Nobel Peace laureate Mohamed ElBaradei.

"The military council has failed to manage the transitional period, and the generals' hands are tainted by the blood of the nation's youth and have been collaborating with the counterrevolution," the group said in a statement.

Aboul-Ela Madi and Mohammed Selim el-Awa, two politicians who attended a five-hour crisis meeting Tuesday with the military rulers, said the generals wanted to hand over power to a civilian government by July 1 and intended to replace Prime Minister Essam Sharaf's civilian Cabinet with a "national salvation" government.

He and el-Awa were among 12 political party representatives and presidential hopefuls who met with the council. However, none of the youthful, liberal groups behind the uprising attended. ElBaradei also was absent.

Madi and el-Awa also said the military agreed to release all protesters detained since Saturday and to put on trial any police and army officers responsible for the deaths of demonstrators.

The Interior Ministry said protesters were continuing to try to storm its headquarters. It said some protesters climbed over buildings near the ministry and lobbed firebombs into the compound. Others, it said, set fire to cars outside the ministry and opened fire on policemen, wounding five.

The ministry denied allegations that police were using live ammunition against the protesters.

In the northern Mediterranean port city of Alexandria, thousands of protesters fought intense battles with security forces, who fired tear gas and rubber bullets. The protesters hurled stones and firebombs.

In Assiut in the south, armed men attacked a police station and took weapons and ammunition. Thousands of demonstrators clashed with security forces. Protesters hurled stones and firebombs at the security forces, who responded with tear gas that caused several people to collapse.


Associated Press reporters Sarah El Deeb, Maggie Michael, Ben Hubbard and Aya Batrawy contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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